affordable Live chat software?

livezilla is great, but we love kayako live support.

You can get it for ~$200

Really it is 20times better then livezilla ;)
Livezilla rocks, and best of all it's free. It's honestly very professional and high quality even though it's free. We use it as well.
We use the Kayako Support Suite and it's been great from my point of view. I've used LiveZilla as well- it's free and good to start out with but not quite matured YET.
I've used Kayako Support Suite in the past, great software! Also, I'm not a fan of LiveZilla...Just not quite what I want in live support software.
Another vote for livezilla, considering its free, its pretty fully featured, the only downside perhaps is ~2 months between non-beta updates.
For free the best IMO if HelpcenterLive. It's not perfect, but the alternative is crafysyntax, which IMO looks terrible and the work involved with retemplating it isn't worth it.

There's also LiveZilla for free to. It's Ok..

For paid my personal favorite is Kayako.
Can someone please explain to me why(other than it's free) you like LiveZilla so much? Personally I'd rather use HelpCenterLive, and it's full of bugs.
I have tried just about every open source live support script over the years. And as long as your support personel computers are running windows I highly recommend LiveZilla.
Kayako is a best software, but if you have less budget you may start your small business with liveZilla. :) It's FREE
Live zilla is the best!

LiveZilla is just amazing! I am using livezilla myself and have been suggesting my clients to use it as well. I would definitely recommend livezilla, not only because its FREE, but also because it has plenty of advance features like unlimited operator login, SSL support, Webcam support, proactive chat invitations, real-time visitor monitoring, and much more.

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Kayako is a best software, but if you have less budget you may start your small business with liveZilla. :) It's FREE

I'd agree it's the best IMO. $25/month for a leased license may not makes sense on a small scale, but it's worth every penny if it does.
siforek >>>> livezilla will give you all that you need for basic website support. It is not recommended for larger companies, and also they can afford the paid softwares anyway. Livezilla is suitable for small and medium sized business owners and enterprenuers. You can monitor your website traffic, invite them to chat with you in real-time, you can also see the message archieve, as they are automatically saved by livezilla, you can transfer files etc etc. The only drawback is its difficult setup.
siforek >>>> livezilla will give you all that you need for basic website support. It is not recommended for larger companies, and also they can afford the paid softwares anyway. Livezilla is suitable for small and medium sized business owners and enterprenuers. You can monitor your website traffic, invite them to chat with you in real-time, you can also see the message archieve, as they are automatically saved by livezilla, you can transfer files etc etc. The only drawback is its difficult setup.

I didn't think the setup was that difficult. To me it was a bit more difficult to brand/customize it.
Livezilla works great for us and you can't beat free. :) It does lack more extensive features that programs like ChatStat has, but then again what do you expect for free?
Livezilla works great for us and you can't beat free. :) It does lack more extensive features that programs like ChatStat has, but then again what do you expect for free?

ChatStat is great, but I feel they nickel and dime you for every little thing. I recall years ago when I'd suggested a few features to them, now they charge additional monthly fees for them and when you add it all up you're better off with Kayako.