Payment options for customers

There are different options for customers regarding payments. The best way of payment is plastic cards like credit cards, Gold cards.

I accept bank transfer, Bitcoin, credit card, mail-in, and PayPal on-line. For local clients, I also accept cash in addition the aforementioned.
For clients PayPal is a great choice, but for providers it's the worst payment method because client can cancel payment without any alerts.
client can cancel payment without any alerts.

they do this you will get a notice from paypal, so then we just suspend clients account (this gets their attention) if a PP sub fails we wait until the second sub attempt then suspend, but will inform client at first fail.
It is really of great advantage if you have more ways for payment, people may choose to buy from you since you are accepting more payment methods. We use Paypal, direct credit card secured payments . Most customers pay through paypal though. :)
I think that as long as you give PayPal, you are probably OK. You may also want to accept checks for those who aren't comfortable paying online, though this is increasingly more rare.

Once you become more popular and you know that it will last for the long-term, then look into merchant accounts and such, so you can accept credit cards.
PayPal is the best to use. I also have used 2CheckOut in the past but they have been having some problems. AlertPay/Payza is also up there.
Paypal is the main one in the industry and taking card payments, as long as you can take card payments as well as paypal then you will be fine.
Not sure in which version but recently WHMCS added currency conversion on payment gateways :).

So now UK based providers can offer Google Checkout on websites primarily charging in GBP!

If that fits you then I'd defiantly add Google Checkout, very reputable, fast and I think one of the best gateways.
Not sure in which version but recently WHMCS added currency conversion on payment gateways :).

So now UK based providers can offer Google Checkout on websites primarily charging in GBP!

If that fits you then I'd defiantly add Google Checkout, very reputable, fast and I think one of the best gateways.

dont forget with Google Checkout you will 100% need an SSL certificate on your site ( this is one of their requirements)
I believe Google added a feature allowing you to disable this requirement if you wish?

Albeit, not recommended ;).

never say this the last time i looked, but i have Google checkout added for some time.

I think they have the correct procedure for a payment gateway in that they wont approve you to use them until they confirm your site has an SSL cert ( they also do regular checks making sure your site still has an SSL cert)

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