Your View On 'Unlimited' Hosting?

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Yes. I called you a liar and I stand by it.
Just because you don't have the simple ability to comprehend English Dictionary definitions doesn't make you any less dishonest.

Now you've gone from using red herrings to erecting straw men. No one claims to offer unlimited resources, except the hosts that are invented in the minds of the anti-unlimited crowd.

The liars are not the unlimited hosts. Blue accused me of being a liar and making false claims. I asked him to quote one false claim that I have made. I was met by silence. Thus he lied. I now ask you for documentation of promises of unlimited resources not delivered. I again expect silence. The real lies are coming from only from one side of the debate in this thread

The real marketing scam is not unlimited hosting, its the limited hosts falsely ascribing characteristics of unlimited hosts that do not exist or claims that are never made. That is the BIG LIE. That's the real marketing scam. And too many here are only too happy to repeat the lies. Its called FUD marketing
so it is a marketing scam that a you can only get 500GB of space from a 500GB drive.

if you have 500GB of space then you can only use 500GB, you can empty the 500Gb of space and then start again, but still can only fill the space with 500GB of data.

so as Blue say it is those saying you have unlimited space that are liars as a server has limited space.

The Poll results of this thread also supports the unlimited marketing scam
Web Space Quota: Unlimited
Bandwidth Quota: Unlimited

But that is absolutely true of my plans. I don't use quota limits. Its all explained on my site and above. Even the OS itself calls it "no limit." (see my attachments of windows gui). Check the disk quota on your own windows pc and you will also see "no limit," (if you haven't changed the default) which is the same as unlimited in the context of a shared hosting plan. Or maybe you just don't know how to get to these settings without a control panel as a crutch.

One must have a at least a rudimentary understanding of server management to grasp the meaning of a "quota policy." That you have no grasp of this reveals your lack of such understanding. This would explain your lies and phony claims about your own "unmetered" resources.

The irony here is that non-hosters who have worked in a company that stores users' files on a file server probably know more about quota policies than you. This would explain why the biggest whiners are other hosts. The users seem just fine with the idea.
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One must have a rudimentary understanding of the English language to realize there is no such thing as unlimited and offering it is a lie.
One must have a rudimentary understanding of the English language to realize there is no such thing as unlimited and offering it is a lie.

Not to be rude but if you are not "overselling" in this business (or 95% of the other industries that exist) then you really need to go back to school.

Unlimited is a form of overselling, so is offering 100GB/1000GB packages. Really no difference...
Nope. Wrong again.
If you offer a package of 100GB/1000GB you are setting hard limits. If you honor those limits you are a responsible host and an honest business person. If you do not then you are a liar.
If you offer unlimited services you are a liar. Period.
You are offering something that does not exist.

Very very simple concept.
Once again the self-proclaimed experts reveal a sense of non-expertise (to put it politely)

Its amazing how many hosts interpret "unlimited" as "infinite." Their mistake is assuming "unlimited" refers to hardware -- a totally ignorant assumption.

Ignorant because any decent server admin knows that the hosting resources in a shared hosting plan are limited by quotas not hardware. Thus "unlimited" refers to the quota. Is the host with a 3GB plan really selling 3GB hard drives? I have not seen such a hard drive around town. Maybe they are doing their hosting on SD cards?

The same faulty logic will claim that there is no such thing as unlimited talk in a cell phone plan because people have to sleep and eat and can't talk sometimes, or there are only 24 hours in a day and there is not such thing as an infinitely long day to do the unlimited talking. Or there is no such thing as unlimited mileage when renting a car since the size of the gas tank is finite.

In the context of a hosting plan it is the limit traditionally imposed by the provider that is unlimited, that is removed, not the size of the hardware. It is the mere absence of the artificially limiting quota that makes the hosting resource unlimited.

The real scam is hosts going around with their chests puffed out and claiming hosts that refrain from imposing artificial limits in their hosting plans are scammers. It is these hosts that are the real liars, or maybe just ignoramuses -- neither quality qualifies them to manage a server
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No. The real scam is the liars who offer something that doesn't exist.
You can pretend all you like to have great knowledge of the industry. I care not if you have any or not.
What you don't seem to have any knowledge of is ethics.
You willfully and intentionally lie to your clients.
The real scam is hosts going around with their chests puffed out and claiming hosts that refrain from imposing artificial limits in their hosting plans are scammers. It is these hosts that are the real liars, or maybe just ignoramuses -- neither quality qualifies them to manage a server

so now it seems that 100% of hosts that dont offer unlimited space/bandwidth are scammers now.

I would rather tell a client they are getting 10GB space and 100GB bandwidth rather than say they are getting unlimited space.

as unlimited SPACE does not exist as if the server has a limit of say 2TB of space then the space LIMIT on the server is 2TB, so by saying a client will get unlimited SPACE for $3 they they could use the whole 2TB for the $3 if they wish.
Physical disks don't come with quotas and therefore cannot enforce one. If I or Windows put a quota on the disk, removed the disk and installed it on another server that quota would be gone! A quota is an abstraction. Its an OS configuration. It is not attached to, or belong to, the hardware. Quotas are created and enforced by the provider and only the provider (or his tools). Unlimited simply means the absence of such quota that is invented and imposed by the provider. The hardware is only the object of the quota.

When there is no quota, there is no limit -- by definition of quota. If there is no limit, its unlimited. Thus unlimited simply means the absence of a quota.

There is no law that a host must use a quota system to manage web servers and control resources.

We come across unlimited features every day. And all of them are ultimately connected to something limited. It can be unlimited talk time limited by the number of minutes in a day, unlimited mileage limited by the length of roads and gallons of fuel, unlimited email, unlimited databases, unlimited web sites and yes, even unlimited web space limited by physical hardware. They all have one other thing in common: what is offered as unlimited is simply the absence of the provider imposing the artificial and invented limit, not nature.
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So what you are really saying is you have no clue what the word unlimited means, you have no clue what hard drive capacity means, you have no clue what data transfer limits mean and you are just pretending.
Or you do really know what these things mean and you are lying about the ability to offer them in unlimited quantities.
but if you state UNLIMITED SPACE this means you are advertising the SPACE available is UNLIMITED, but if the server only has 3TB of space then it has a 3TB LIMIT
but if you state UNLIMITED SPACE this means you are advertising the SPACE available is UNLIMITED....

I have posted a hundred times including just above that is exactly what is notbeing advertised. Stop lying and making claims about your competitors that are blatantly false. Go to computer school and learn the concept of quota policy. Then come back and have an intelligent conversation.
I have posted a hundred times including just above that is exactly what is notbeing advertised. Stop lying and making claims about your competitors that are blatantly false. Go to computer school and learn the concept of quota policy. Then come back and have an intelligent conversation.

From your website:
Web Space Quota: Unlimited
Bandwidth Quota: Unlimited

That is EXACTLY what you are advertising.
You sit there and lie when the evidence is clearly on your site.
Hence the reason I call you a liar.
From your website:
Web Space Quota: Unlimited
Bandwidth Quota: Unlimited

That is EXACTLY what you are advertising.
You sit there and lie when the evidence is clearly on your site.
Hence the reason I call you a liar.

How does removing artificial, provider-invented quotas translate into "advertising the space available is unlimited?"

The liars are the hosts claiming I am advertising something that I am not.

Or maybe Linus Torvalds, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates are liars too. Their OS's also allow unlimited quota, no matter how large or small the hard drive. I guess I stand guilty of using the same terminology and concepts as an operating system. How dare I? A simple server admin. My sincere apologies for not using the arbitrary HD school of server management hogwash.

Of course, if your closest brush with a server or computer is clicking inside a control panel, I don't blame you for not understanding. But ignorance is no excuse for a hosts like you.
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What is artificial about the size of a hard drive?
What is artificial about the bandwidth capabilities of a data center.
You are either making things up to justify your lies or you are really so inept that you are unable to comprehend a simple concept like physical limits.
as I suggested to another. Go to computer school and learn about quota policies. Or you can google it -- but you seem the type that requires a classroom setting. I'd repeat the lesson that I have already posted a dozen times but you would just call me a liar, so you can go to you know where
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I don't have to go to computer school to know you have no clue what you are talking about and you are willfully lying to you customers.
The fact that you can't comprehend why offering something that is impossible is unethical and a lie is typical of this breed of hosts who don't give a damn about ethics.
A bunch of snake oil salesmen who will do anything they can to make a sale regardless of how dishonest it is.
Quota policies have ZERO relevance to this conversation. You are just pretending they do have some relevance so you can try and cover your tracks.
Definition of quota in English (


a limited or fixed number or amount of people or things, in particular:
a limited quantity of a particular product which under official controls can be produced, exported, or imported

a fixed share of something that a person or group is entitled to receive or is bound to contribute:

so Quota is a FIXED amount so not unlimited so you cant have
Web Space Quota: Unlimited
Bandwidth Quota: Unlimited
Blue, do you provide services with more than 600 MB of disk space and 30 GB of bandwidth, or is that your absolute max?

I am still a strong believer in unlimited hosting services, but your side of this debate is definitely logical. By the literal definition of the term, unlimited itself does not exist. However, both myself and all of the other hosting providers that offer unlimited plans and services use the term more as a way to describe a service with no predetermined quotas in place, essentially making it an unmetered hosting account with the only true limit being whatever the server is capable of providing. (such as 500 GB of disk space, for example)

I do believe that providing an unlimited hosting service is an ethical way of doing business, but I also understand how others (such as Blue and easyhostmedia) see it as falsely advertising a service that does not exist.

Unmetered hosting is generally what we are all providing, but we use the unlimited term for its market popularity and general acceptance.
Basically, we've all accepted that unlimited is the new way to describe unmetered services, even though the literal English definition states otherwise.

Unlimited is an evolving term, and has since adopted two separate meanings. I keep thinking of the word 'gay' when imagining the unlimited term, and its evolution.
"The term [gay] was originally used to refer to feelings of being "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy". The term's use as a reference to homosexuality may date as early as the late 19th century, but its use gradually increased in the 20th century."

Words can evolve to adopt new and more modern meanings / definitions.
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