Which help desk software do you use to provie support ?

We use the built in Blesta support manager. It gets the job done and does what it's suppose to. Can't complain.
We use WHMCS too. Links directly to our email addresses really well too - if you've set it up that way.
Have tried Zendesk and Kayako (during the days when we'd use whoiscart and modernbill for billing), but finally settled with the inbuilt support of WHMCS.
Have tried Zendesk and Kayako (during the days when we'd use whoiscart and modernbill for billing), but finally settled with the inbuilt support of WHMCS.

WHMCS is good. In last company, I used Zendesk as ticketing and billing system and I felt it is good. Did you find any active problems or bugs with the software?
I have WHMCS's built-in system and have done since 2009.

It seems to have everything I need and I prefer to not add more complexity to my website such as by adding software just for support.
I am currently using ChatStack but they no longer support Windows 7 which is drawback for me.

I do not want to switch to Windows 10 for sharing my data to Microsoft. Win10 is look like especially made for PRISM program or funded by Govt. to spy.
we use whmcs for support, tawk for live chat, and bitrix 24 for team and sales.

whmcs is enough for proving support

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