What Makes An Amazing 10/10 Hosting Service?


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I'm not talking about acceptable, okay, or even good. I want to create a service that would be incredibly awesome and exceed all expectations, the kind of service which seems to stand a few levels above all the others.

There are some things which are obvious, like high uptime, fast support, and good servers. So, what would it take for you to consider a service 10/10 or even 11/10 (if you ever rate that high)? What kind of behaviours and policies make you say 'wow' (in a good way)? What's the most important feature to you that a hosting service can provide? Is there any particular thing a web host has done for you (or that you've done for your customers as a web host) that really makes them super happy and excited to be a part of your service?

Thanks for all your great ideas!
Provide some sort of refund for annual payments when the annual term is not completed.

For example: Suppose a host sells hosting for $4/mo. If customer agrees to pay one year in advance host will charge $36.00 and monthly rate effectively goes down to $3.00/mo. If customer cancels after 3 months many hosts will keep the entire $36.00 (effectively charging customer $12/mo for the $4/mo hosting)

I would like to see the host refund customer $24.00 based upon monthy rate as if there were no annual agreement ($36.00 - 3 x $4/mo).

That would make host 11/10!
To be an amazing web hosting company(10/10), first thing you need to have great UPTIME because customers don't want there websites to be down weather it is shared hosting or VPS hosting or Dedicated servers.

Secondly SUPPORT: You need to provide support in different ways like Live Chat, Call support and through emails(Ticketing System) and all the three should be 24/7.

Affordable prices: As you provide great uptime and great support it doesn't mean your pricing should be high. You need to make sure your pricing is affordable compared to other hosting providers

These are the top three things you need to keep in mind to make your hosting company Amazing
I would like to add that I think an investment in new technologies would be a plus. If you can support newer PHP version than other hosts or if you incorporate nginx into some type of plan, I think that will put you ahead in most respects. Also, although multiple support methods are great, if you cant reasonably handle all of them within your stated SLA, then it is better to focus on handling one support method extremely well.
I'm not talking about acceptable, okay, or even good. I want to create a service that would be incredibly awesome and exceed all expectations, the kind of service which seems to stand a few levels above all the others.

To steal a phrase from Apple, "Think Different".

You want to make a service that just shines above the rest, then don't follow the rest. What was last year, does not have to be this year. Never stop innovation and never stop looking for a better way. You can try and improve on what's been already been done but you'll just be one of many. Be one of one and let the rest follow you. Then your service will shine. ;)
Its not possible to get a 10/10 custormer feedback.

You need to provide GREAT support and give answers what custormer expect.

Low Prices doesnt matter but affordable prices matters.

Provide services value for money.

That makes a 10/10 feedback rating.
11 out of 10 is hardly possible due to obvious reason you cannot influence.

The market is full of hosting companies. Demand is lower than offer. Every client can choose from multiple providers according to his own needs and expectations. You cannot meet them all, no matter how hard you try.

However, you can provide GREAT service.

Be honest with clients, do not up-sell.
If something can be given free - give it. ("free" domain with packages worth more than $10/year is not free and everybody knows it).
Have multiple support contacts available 24/7.
Have diligent and caring support, every client is unique and likes to be treated like a VIP. Why not doing this, if it brings you money?
Operate high-quality reliable hardware. Saving a few bucks on it may result in losing thousands if it fails.

And all sorts of other obvious things. In general - to earn good money you should offer good service.
Be honest with clients, do not up-sell.

Have diligent and caring support, every client is unique and likes to be treated like a VIP. Why not doing this, if it brings you money?

Those two are a little contradictory. I see your point about the upsells, however they exist for a reason and that's not just for the company profit. If you do really want to provide unique and caring support, you will know your clients, their projects and needs. However clients are not always aware of all their needs or features that will further help their business. So I don't see anything wrong in suggesting an SSL for a person building their first online shop or spam protection to someone that intends to handle their company emails with the hosting provider. Truth is that upsell is great and mutually beneficial when done right. If you defy its purpose and just offer random extra features to every person that comes on chat then you will most probably be just irritating to say the least :rolleyes2
Why do my words seem contradictory to you?

Those two are a little contradictory.

If you do really want to provide unique and caring support, you will know your clients, their projects and needs. However clients are not always aware of all their needs or features that will further help their business.

Truth is that upsell is great and mutually beneficial when done right. If you defy its purpose and just offer random extra features to every person that comes on chat then you will most probably be just irritating to say the least :rolleyes2

I fully agree with you. How can intension to satisfy every customer need and to explain them all peculiarities they can be not aware of, be contradictory with my words that upselling is good to build initial client base but bad for keeping it? Removing added fees for long-time clients can be even declared a loyalty discount, so they receive service without upsells and we acquire their loyalty - everybody is happy!

I fully agree though, that upselling is a very dangerous practice if not done right.
1. Uptime
2. Support
3. Good Prices
4. Instant Setup
5. Good Reseller Program with A Discount even if it's 10%.
Customer service all the way... That's right, kill'em with kindness! :agree:

Always go above and beyond, even with the smallest request, and treat your customers like you would want to be treated. Talk to them as if they were standing in front of you and give them respect. This makes all the difference, specially when communicating via email/chat and you lose that personal touch/connection with the customer. Make it personal and regain that edge once again.

Do this, and even someone that is absolutely, positively, and completely angry about your service will think to themselves.. "That rep/staff member was so nice to me I can't even be angry anymore.." And even if they don't stay with your service after the fact, at least they will not go on a rampage and badmouth your service every chance they get. They will simply move on. :thumbup:
To get a 10/10 rating by everyone is impossible, there WILL be people displeased with your services, even if you have done nothing wrong.

In my opinion, to become 10/10, you must listen to your customers. Whatever the customers want, you have to make a strong attempt in completing their request or giving a long and detailed explanation of why their request isn't logical. That is one of the things I think is a necessity to be a 10/10
An amazing Provider will offer top notch support even go the extra mile. They will also offer services with desent options and a good price point, nothing too cheap I would rather pay a bit more money for a good provider with a reliable service than a low cost with crappy service and support. the Number one Thing is always Customer Service you can have the lowest cost service around but will get no customers if you have horrible customer service.
Well, for classic people, that usually are not real webmaster, communication is the fundamental part.
When they'll have some kind of problems, they want someone solve them immediately, because they don't know how to do. They want to speak or write to a reliable tech support, and they want to solve also problem not related only on web hosting (usually white page in WordPress, or so on).

Then obviously, money back guarantee, 99.95% uptime, speed, less latency as possible, and also "unlimited" resources, paying from $5 to $10, which is an acceptable price to pay for a good reliable shared web hosting.

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