What Makes An Amazing 10/10 Hosting Service?

When Customer is happy with the web hosting company and there is no reason to curse for any bad services

Keeping promises of 99 or 100 Uptime of website, best techsupport services with healthy response time, no need to worry about hardware's and software's usage and simplicity your website is running smoothly without any trouble or downtime. Your life is hassle-free, that makes 10 out of 10 amazing web hosting services.
What kind of behaviours and policies make you say 'wow' (in a good way)? What's the most important feature to you that a hosting service can provide? Is there any particular thing a web host has done for you (or that you've done for your customers as a web host) that really makes them super happy and excited to be a part of your service?

When HandsOnHosting was under previous management, they have proactively watched my server and without asking for it, have applied upgrades to it. As technology evolved, they have continuously improved the specs of the server (actual hardware upgrades) without increasing the price. They strived for their clients to receive the best possible bang for their buck at any point in time. That kind of attention and lack of corporate greed was one of a kind. They totally eliminated the need for you to even start looking at competition by keeping you happy.
I'm not talking about acceptable, okay, or even good. I want to create a service that would be incredibly awesome and exceed all expectations, the kind of service which seems to stand a few levels above all the others.

There are some things which are obvious, like high uptime, fast support, and good servers. So, what would it take for you to consider a service 10/10 or even 11/10 (if you ever rate that high)? What kind of behaviours and policies make you say 'wow' (in a good way)? What's the most important feature to you that a hosting service can provide? Is there any particular thing a web host has done for you (or that you've done for your customers as a web host) that really makes them super happy and excited to be a part of your service?

Thanks for all your great ideas!

It takes time to build a successful hosting business, but If I where a client looking for hosting I would like one that offered a personalized customer/support service. I would like to be able to contact someone who knows my needs and website.
I have always been impressed by forward-thinking development, and taking a stance on innovation, rather than simply filling a role. :agree:
best support. less than 10mins response or live support. provide best managed hosting. never down times, super fast use ssd.


refund policies (no annual agreements) will too but a person who cancels not mostly vote for you..

anyway these makes a 11/10 and mainly NO OVERSELLING AT ALL
I'd say, different people got different tastes. So, ratings may differ a lot, it also depends upon the use of the user.

For me, it's:

1. Support reliability
2. Uptime
3. Performance
4. Support during the down-time
5. Keeping promises of 99% uptime
When HandsOnHosting was under previous management, they have proactively watched my server and without asking for it, have applied upgrades to it. As technology evolved, they have continuously improved the specs of the server (actual hardware upgrades) without increasing the price. They strived for their clients to receive the best possible bang for their buck at any point in time. That kind of attention and lack of corporate greed was one of a kind. They totally eliminated the need for you to even start looking at competition by keeping you happy.

And under the new management :)?
Provide some sort of refund for annual payments when the annual term is not completed.

For example: Suppose a host sells hosting for $4/mo. If customer agrees to pay one year in advance host will charge $36.00 and monthly rate effectively goes down to $3.00/mo. If customer cancels after 3 months many hosts will keep the entire $36.00 (effectively charging customer $12/mo for the $4/mo hosting)

I would like to see the host refund customer $24.00 based upon monthy rate as if there were no annual agreement ($36.00 - 3 x $4/mo).

That would make host 11/10!

If that were the case, and the webhost would be 11/10, why would anyone want to leave?
I think you need to build a good company culture, that is one of the most important elements to providing "outstanding" customer service, and all the good things that follow.
Here are some things that may help you get an good hosting service:
Very good up time of your services, good support 24/7, affordable prices of the services you provide with an good price you know you will have a good clientele, instant setup, a discount plan will help you as well to get a good performance.
Few things which are compulsory to be a good hosting provider.
1. Server Up-Time
2. Tech. Support ( Response Time)
3. Server & Disk Speed
4. Affordable Pricing
5. Promotion (Coupons) & Instant Setup
Well, according to me a 10/10 web hosting company will be the one whose customer service representatives are friendly. When you discuss anything with them, they provide informative explanations instead of just yes or no answers.
5. Promotion (Coupons) & Instant Setup

I can understand that you may want instant setup, but given affordable pricing already, why do you insist on coupons? It's already affordable!
I can understand that you may want instant setup, but given affordable pricing already, why do you insist on coupons? It's already affordable!

Because people mostly go for lower price. It does not matter that lower price usually means worse service. In order to make people interested in their GOOD service, providers issue additional coupons, even though their pricing is already affordable. Just my opinion, though.
Customer service all the way... That's right, kill'em with kindness! :agree:

Always go above and beyond, even with the smallest request, and treat your customers like you would want to be treated. Talk to them as if they were standing in front of you and give them respect. This makes all the difference, specially when communicating via email/chat and you lose that personal touch/connection with the customer. Make it personal and regain that edge once again.

Do this, and even someone that is absolutely, positively, and completely angry about your service will think to themselves.. "That rep/staff member was so nice to me I can't even be angry anymore.." And even if they don't stay with your service after the fact, at least they will not go on a rampage and badmouth your service every chance they get. They will simply move on. :thumbup:

Totally agree to this.

Always go above and beyond the call of duty. It can be rewarding. And I might add that doing something out of the blue for a customer like sending a ticket and just asking them how their week is going goes along way sometimes. Don't ever loose the personal perspective in customer service. Once you loose that, everything starts to fall downhill.

look at hostgator - once good, now horrible
To steal a phrase from Apple, "Think Different".

You want to make a service that just shines above the rest, then don't follow the rest. What was last year, does not have to be this year. Never stop innovation and never stop looking for a better way. You can try and improve on what's been already been done but you'll just be one of many. Be one of one and let the rest follow you. Then your service will shine. ;)

Think different, This is the rule. Always think whats different i will add to the market, why the customer will choose my company instead of others? away from support, uptime, ..etc I believe that the thing number one to look different is to build personal relationships with customers maybe with phone calls, personal emails, helping them out,..etc.
I think an exceptional web host would stay abreast of any new technologies that would better enable its clients to outperform, outclass, and outlast the competition, whether it be an easier control panel, faster deployment of hosting resources (Shared, Cloud, VPS , Dedicated), easier migration tools, managed services and quick issue resolution. This would empower the client and create the comfort zone that is so highly sought after when paying money for services delivered over the web.

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