What do you use to keep you going like the energizer bunny?


New member
I was just thinking about the fact of how many of us don't really sleep that much. Then, I saw a post from romes that pushed me into creating this thread. Yes Steve, you were my original inspiration for this thread.

Anyways, what do you use to keep you going like the energizer bunny? And going and going and going...

I personally use Stackers/5 Hour Energy/Energy Drinks/Coffee once in a blue moon. Just interested in seeing the responses here.
I don't use anything. I just naturally have the energy to stay up lol

Not to mention I have a lot on my plate so my mind keeps me up. People who have a lot of stuff on their minds normally spend less time sleeping. Anyways, curious to see what everyone else use to stay up.
considering i nipped to the local at 4:50am and returned with 2x 4 packs of relentless its an obvious indication although a good stock of coffee is always a must :devil:
I don't use anything. I just naturally have the energy to stay up lol

Not to mention I have a lot on my plate so my mind keeps me up. People who have a lot of stuff on their minds normally spend less time sleeping. Anyways, curious to see what everyone else use to stay up.

Maybe that's why I wake up after only an hour of sleeping Seriously, there are nights like tonight that I have so much to do that I can't stand to go to sleep. I may be up for the next 24-36 hours to be honest.
Yeah, I believe there is a term for it. Active minds cuase a lot of people to not sleep as much, well and can cuase stress at times.

Sometimes I will spend an entire day on the computer, fixing my tv (which is still broke atm) or dealing what ever is being thrown at me.
Never did any of the drugs myself. Years ago I was an insomniac and if I was LUCKY, I'd get 1 hour of solid sleep with the potential to push to 2 hours.

These days, I'm much better and usually get 2 hours solid, and can stay in bed for up to 4 or 5 hours (depending how my pagers and phones ring). I sleep like a dog in that I keep one eye open and an ear alert "just-in-case" :)

When I crash, I crash hard - usually every couple of months - anywhere between 24 and 42 hours of straight sleep.
Yeah, I love to sleep. When I am asleep I hate when my cell rings or I hear an alert on my comp lol
I don't care for energy drinks and I don't do drugs. Usually the caffeine from coke or mountain dew will keep me up. Active mind does too.
I think being excited about what you do energizes you - always looking to the next opportunity. Always reaching out to learn something new. You don't need energy drinks or drugs for that. I'm a firm believer that you need to exercise your brain, just as you do your body. With so much information on the Internet now, how could you not learn something new everyday, with just a minimum of effort?
I think being excited about what you do energizes you - always looking to the next opportunity. Always reaching out to learn something new. You don't need energy drinks or drugs for that. I'm a firm believer that you need to exercise your brain, just as you do your body. With so much information on the Internet now, how could you not learn something new everyday, with just a minimum of effort?

It's not neccesarily about being excited what you do, that will only go so far. If you're working online 16+ hours a day it requires a ton of effort. Now, you're thinking why those hours, and here is your answer. Web hosting isn't the only industry that I do business in, I have quite a few different jobs that I do. Hence, this is 7 days per week at the moment. If I took a break in the middle of the work that is here, I would fail.
You'd be surprised how far being excited can take you. :)

I can't dispute your evaluation of having to put in 16+ hours per day, 7 days per week - as only you know your business. I also own a salon, so effective time management is absolutely essential. Trust me, I feel your pain.

Many years ago, as a corporate officer in a firm in Miami, FL, I used to put in countless hours (because I believed this is what I had to do to succeed) - until our CEO questioned why? Her attitude was that smart people find ways to do the same during working hours. At the time, I was taken aback, but she was right. Working smart trumps working hard. Going back to the energizer bunny question - you will eventually run down if you don't recharge your batteries.
You'd be surprised how far being excited can take you. :)

I can't dispute your evaluation of having to put in 16+ hours per day, 7 days per week - as only you know your business. I also own a salon, so effective time management is absolutely essential. Trust me, I feel your pain.

Many years ago, as a corporate officer in a firm in Miami, FL, I used to put in countless hours (because I believed this is what I had to do to succeed) - until our CEO questioned why? Her attitude was that smart people find ways to do the same during working hours. At the time, I was taken aback, but she was right. Working smart trumps working hard. Going back to the energizer bunny question - you will eventually run down if you don't recharge your batteries.

I know exactly what you're saying Steve, I have had to take time off after a few months of going in order to recharge and be able to continue the production rate. Right now, I am building the foundation which is the core of my empire. Once it's built I will be able to reduce my hours, but right now I have a lot of things to do and little time to do it. When it's done, I will get rewarded in more ways then one. That right there is my motivation.
I know exactly what you're saying Steve, I have had to take time off after a few months of going in order to recharge and be able to continue the production rate. Right now, I am building the foundation which is the core of my empire. Once it's built I will be able to reduce my hours, but right now I have a lot of things to do and little time to do it. When it's done, I will get rewarded in more ways then one. That right there is my motivation.
Good luck executing your plan. The key is knowing when to recharge.
I was just thinking about the fact of how many of us don't really sleep that much. Then, I saw a post from romes that pushed me into creating this thread. Yes Steve, you were my original inspiration for this thread.

Anyways, what do you use to keep you going like the energizer bunny? And going and going and going...

I personally use Stackers/5 Hour Energy/Energy Drinks/Coffee once in a blue moon. Just interested in seeing the responses here.

I don't use anything like drugs I just love doing what I am doing and it keeps me going and going. Plus the fact that I am always have an active mind and trying to think of ways to further my company.
Yeah, I love to sleep. When I am asleep I hate when my cell rings or I hear an alert on my comp lol

lol me too.. but in order 4 me 2 stay up(Or energized in the morning) i drnk (energy drink) and coffee (whenever i have tons of work )whenever i feel tired ...it keeps you up...
Never did any of the drugs myself. Years ago I was an insomniac and if I was LUCKY, I'd get 1 hour of solid sleep with the potential to push to 2 hours.

These days, I'm much better and usually get 2 hours solid, and can stay in bed for up to 4 or 5 hours (depending how my pagers and phones ring). I sleep like a dog in that I keep one eye open and an ear alert "just-in-case" :)

When I crash, I crash hard - usually every couple of months - anywhere between 24 and 42 hours of straight sleep.

Dam man sleeping for 24-42 hours. I never heard of anyone doing that. You must scare you family when that happens thinking your dead or something lol.
Yipes. I can't sleep more than 10 hours straight even when I try and that's not often. Can't imagine being an insomniac - don't you start to drag mid-afternoon?
Well I am insomniac and its good and bad. Tuesday night I did a all nighter was up for 30+ hours and then pass out around 4pm and woke up at 9am the next day. That the most I ever sleep in my life. I was really tired though I wanted to finish my new design real bad :)
Never did any of the drugs myself. Years ago I was an insomniac and if I was LUCKY, I'd get 1 hour of solid sleep with the potential to push to 2 hours.

These days, I'm much better and usually get 2 hours solid, and can stay in bed for up to 4 or 5 hours (depending how my pagers and phones ring). I sleep like a dog in that I keep one eye open and an ear alert "just-in-case" :)

When I crash, I crash hard - usually every couple of months - anywhere between 24 and 42 hours of straight sleep.
Crash? Those are coma numbers!! :shocked:

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