What do you think about Master Reseller?

With a master reseller you haven't to worry about updating and similar things...and you can sell like a VPS...but there are some limitations of the reseller hosting that are problems if you offer professional services...
For profit master reseller accounts are good.You can also sell alpha reseller, super alpha reseller, mega alpha reseller at cheap cost.The you can make more money.I have seen many provider selling master reseller at $ 2-3/mo with a word "unlimited". Then what is cost of reseller on that same server? and shared? May be $0.001/mo.

For business, master reseller is also good, but you have o take care of resource.
In my opinion i could never trust a host that provide master reseller. It is better to buy a vps or a dedi.
The issue I have with master reseller accounts is that as you sell more accounts the resource drain becomes proportionate. As each of these new resellers sells to the end user it only complicates it more. There is no real control over how many resellers are on a given server. It would be up to the actual server owner to determine what the threshhold is. This means you cannot guarantee the quality of the hosting throughout your downline.

Tremendous headaches in my opinion. I would much rather purchase a dedicated and be in control of the environment to ensure the speed and quality of the service. I also would never offer master reseller hosting as I would hate for it to balloon into a huge issue. Again this is just my preference and for some master reseller hosting works.
Master reseller accounts - some work and some don't. It depends on how much you stay on top of that server. They can become a real headache.
I can advise you to compare all web hosting services, as it is a top priority for your new web host business to be well-provided with all necessary tools.
Master Reseller is ok, If the web host you are buying it from is reliable and they have a good hardware configuration.

This is simply allowing Resellers to sell Reseller accounts. So unless your hardware has a lots of space and A good configuration to handle many accounts, I hardly think its a good idea.
To say this is a bad business model, is I think a little harsh. These seem like a good way to build a client base before moving to something bigger and better.
Master Resellers are essentially a bad idea especially if u are looking for a reliable server. Master Resellers will tend to make the server oversold and the past security issues with scripts like Zamfoo make things worse.

If one really needs to sell resellers, better go for managed cpanel VPS.
Never use it, I do not see sense, considering that if you are in this business, the idea is to provide reliable service.

From last few month I see that many of new company or maybe over-seller sell master reseller plans and they sold out lots of accounts, Some of sell more then 200 accounts.

What do you think about master reseller?

This is profitable or bad for long term?


I've used Alpha and Master reseller accounts for years. Some are good some are bad.

The software isn't the problem it's how and who the server is managed by

The good old saying of garbage in garbage out
Never use it, I do not see sense, considering that if you are in this business, the idea is to provide reliable service.

you can offer MR plans and still provide a reliable service. it all comes down to how you manage the MRs.

you could set up MR plans and just let them go wild, or set up a MR with limits, so they can only have a limited number of resellers and then set it so that even their resellers can only have a limited number of cpanel accounts, so you control how many accounts goes on the server.
As all these accounts are on your server then you can do periodic checks on sites and if you find a site that does not look right or is breaking your TOS then you can inform your own client of this and even suspend the site
There is a jungle out there. With so many "honest" hosts offering everything you only dreamt of coming across, you will probably be disoriented. With so many bandwidths, spaces, CGIs, FTPs, features and all other sorts of information you read about, you'll probably get dazed and confused.
In my opinion. I would prefer to go for a master reseller rather then a reseller plan. It gives a hosting company the option to sell another product also giving them 100% profit of that product they are selling. With a reseller plan you only have 1 product that you can sell (shared hosting) at 100% profit unless you resell servers too.
Poor management leads to a world of headaches, however if the resources are scaled properly they can work.

Some unlimited master resellers are beyond a joke.
With good server management and CLoudLinux limits and a beefy server, Master resellers can be a very good niche market.
With good server management and CLoudLinux limits and a beefy server, Master resellers can be a very good niche market.

When you purchase a Master Reseller you have no control on the size of the server, so saying you need a beefy server is pointless.

i.e. someone could have a simple 5GB/200GB VPS and sell Master Reseller plans

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