Today in my world


New member
Hello Everybody,

I love reading online when somebody posts about something that happened in their corner of the world. You know, the kind of stuff that you wont see in the news yet is important to somebody, somewhere. Something that makes us laugh, wonder, think, smile or maybe find inspiring. Too often we get caught up in talking only to a small circle of friends and forget the rest of the world.

If each of us that read this shared a story of something that happened in our own corner of the world, and posted at least once a week if not daily, this thread could create a global window of life. So what happened in your corner of the world, today?
This is what happened in my corner of the world today:

I live in Florida and i just went outside and looked at the moon. Its glowing orange. Do not watch tv but i heard there is a astrological something going on this evening. Call it what you want, i call it mother nature painting the sky.

I can't even go outside because Atlantic Canada has been plummeted with back-to-back snowstorms. Montreal in particular, where I live, saw probably around 40-45 cm (16-17 inches) of snow over 3 days. My street is narrow (as many streets in Montreal are), lots of snow on the side of the road (gardeners' trucks plow the snow off the driveways on the street in addition to that), so it makes exiting your driveway a real challenge, especially when city trucks pass by, I have to shovel driveway entry point every time. Snowbank to the right of my driveway is now approaching 8 feet in height. Thankfully, the city is taking the snow away today.
Today in Florida its cold. I had to put a sweatershirt on.

Anyways, i woke up this morning and went outside to watch the birds, my daily wakeup. Whats neat about this, is we have alot of migratory birds and butterflies that come at different months and days. Right now a new species of bird just arrived at our birdfeeder and is not being to successful in convincing the Red Cardinals to share the wealth.

Hope that paints a picture to hold in your thoughts for the day.
We've had next to no snow all winter in St. Louis. We did have a couple of days of ice, but that was over a long weekend. I've never been to Canada, but I have lived in Pensacola, Dania, Hollywood and Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I did love my time there, but my real passion is Hawaii, having lived there for five years.

In Saint Louis, it's unseasonably warm right now and I'm not complaining. Saw my first Robin this week so that's a sure sign that Spring is right around the corner.

I've noticed some green buds are starting to appear, so time for cutting grass again is not that far off. What I love is that daylight is lasting longer, so I can go outside and play with my dogs after work.

I have lots of Cardinals here, plus a couple of Blue Jays, lots of Doves, one huge Red Breasted Woodpecker, other smaller Woodpeckers and lots of Finch, including red and yellow. I do also see a nice sized hawk here from time to time. I haven't seen any Hummingbirds yet, but I have the feeders ready.
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well hear in my corner of the UK we have never had any real snow since 1981, we get a few small showers that five us a few inches of snow that lasts about an hr.
But 1 thing i know it is cold outside

Been there done that. I know exactly what shoveling the driveway is all about. Battery operated hunters heated socks are the way to go!


The Robins are here eating the heck out of our berry trees. In Florida we have Red Tailed Hawks that frequent houses in the countryside. Everyday we hear them screech back and forth to each other.


It has snowed in Florida a couple times in the 40+ years i have been here. Very odd. But we do get the hurricanes and tornadoes.
Today in my world marks the beginning of the weekend flea market next door to our house. Every weekend a few dozen vendors set up their booths in a converted warehouse storage facility. All day long we see people coming and going. Most with a new found treasure that they are wondering where have you been all my life?

My wife bought a mandolin there recently, and the vendor agreed to teach her lessons. Every weekend this vendors friends all hang out and bring their mandolins, fiddles and guitars to play all day long. So all weekend, since i live next door, i have a free concert. Sometimes i think the birds at the birdfeeder are singing along, because when the music stops so do they.
Today in my world, i realized it is time to say goodbye to the hosting forums. Thanks to all, i have learned from you and have tried to share my experiences. But in the world of hosting since i am not buying or selling, sooner or later my opinions will become invalid and i will become known as the guy that gets in the way. This thread was kind of my last hope of trying to find a way for people to post in a way that does not involve buying, sellling or racking brains for technical solutions. Did not work out so well. I wish all of you the best in life, and thanks for all.
You are leaving us so soon? I guess people are sitting and sleeping in front of their computers, without going outside, so they wouldn't even know about what's happening in their world around them. :D
I would ask you to reconsider Daniel. This was the one thread that I really enjoyed reading.

I get my fill of web hosting related info everyday, but Today in My World gives all of us a chance to step away from that and view the world from someone else's perspective.

For those who haven't traveled extensively, this thread gives us an insight to the sights and sounds of places far removed from our local circles. I, for one, will continue to post here and hope that you and other members here make this the longest lasting thread on Hosting Discussion.

Today in My World it's raining, but the temperature is unseasonably warm and I can see green buds popping out on some of my bushes. When I wake up now, it's already daylight, so I'm looking forward to when time changes again and my flowers start to bloom.

Not only that, but it's still daylight when I get off of work, so the first thing I do is grab my dog's over-sized squeaky tennis ball and we go outside to play fetch. As soon as I squeak that ball, my dogs are ready to race outside of my back door and down the driveway to bring that ball back to me. They look forward to that everyday as do I.
Today in my world, i realized it is time to say goodbye to the hosting forums. Thanks to all, i have learned from you and have tried to share my experiences. But in the world of hosting since i am not buying or selling, sooner or later my opinions will become invalid and i will become known as the guy that gets in the way. This thread was kind of my last hope of trying to find a way for people to post in a way that does not involve buying, sellling or racking brains for technical solutions. Did not work out so well. I wish all of you the best in life, and thanks for all.

Nice thread Daniel, shame you're leaving so soon? As they say, don't make hasty decisions on an "off" day... if that is what it is? :thumbup: PS I appreciated your help on WHT regarding feedback on the design. ;)

Well, I live in the UK where all it does is rain and rain as another member mentioned. I would love to travel more and visit many different countries and maybe move to somewhere where the weather is much better. So far, I've only been to Germany and Greece. As they say, it's a big world out there; I'd love to visit many of the different beautiful countries. I'll keep dreaming for now...
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You are leaving us so soon? I guess people are sitting and sleeping in front of their computers, without going outside, so they wouldn't even know about what's happening in their world around them. :D

I have a terrible tonsillitis. Since I can't go outside sick AF I decided it's better to do some foundation. :D:smash:

My cat was outside, she came back cold, so I guess it's cold outside. :news:

:D :crazy2:
Today in my world i came and read the posts here and was very excited to read about the experiences of all of you. And thanks for convincing me to continue posting. Means a lot. Thanks.

So what do i have to share? This morning my wife came to me and said the words no man wants to hear. She told me we have to talk. I was surprised because we get along so well, and im wondering what did i do to get the we have to talk conversation. So i ran through the checklist of things a man should not do. Yes, i did put the toilet seat down. Yes, i did put the dishes in the sink and not stacked up on my computer desk. Yes, i did not make noises at 4:00 am and wake her up. Yes, i did fill the birdfeeder. Well i covered the bases, so this must be serious.

Being a smart guy sometimes, i decided to let her tell me what i did wrong instead of doing some stupid damage control thing. Here she comes out on the porch and she has her jacket, shoes and purse. This cant be good. But she said simply:

Lets go to the coffee shop and hang out and talk. She said it had been over a week since we sat and talked with each other at our favorite coffee shop, so today we are going to do that. And we sat all day together and talked about all kind of things, my wife and i. Thats what happened in my world today.
Lets go to the coffee shop and hang out and talk. She said it had been over a week since we sat and talked with each other at our favorite coffee shop, so today we are going to do that. And we sat all day together and talked about all kind of things, my wife and i. Thats what happened in my world today.

That. Is. Awesome!

Question in - are you leaving your phones behind? As in not to get distracted on emails and social networks? :)
That. Is. Awesome!

Question in - are you leaving your phones behind? As in not to get distracted on emails and social networks? :)

We use dinosaur phones. They only recieve phone calls, nothing else. Neither of use or have facebook. We are in touch with our friends and family by phone only.

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