OMG the name fits so well! :agree:
Today in my world, we finally have blue skies and sunshine. Squirrels are out foraging for food, and there are a good number of finch at one of my bird feeders. This weekend I'll be planting tomatoes and green peppers in my greenhouse. I have a pork loin slow cooking in my crock pot for later tonight, so I'm looking forward to a good meal this evening.
My office is right next to my kitchen, so I've been smelling it all day. Sky has turned overcast and the wind has picked up. Last night, I baked Reeses Pieces cookies, so that's what I'm snacking on right now - putting on the pounds.
I try not to speak for others, but i think we are all jealous!
By the way, i visited your site recently while searching for my new host. I looked at your live chat and saw a picture of a person. Either that is a picture of you or the late great Rick Marsh, as he was a smart dresser that wore ties. But now that you tell me about the cookies, i tend to believe its you. This mystery is food for thought, all puns intended. haha
I'm not exactly following the offer of a silver platter. Confused as always!Today in my world i had to respectfully decline the offer of a silver platter. The hardest thing was, i had earned it but i do not think i deserved it more than some others. Sometimes a person has to realize the value of others beyond themselves. By me not accepting this, it means another will receive it. Because it definitely is going to be offered to someone else on the interrnet, hopefully one of the members here.
Started to pack my bags. I don't like this thing. I always have feeling that I will forget something xD or don't have enough time to pack.