New Hosting Idea

David Vazquez

New member
Hey guys!

I'm somewhat new here due to the fact that the folks over at WebHostingTalk are very rude and obnoxious as far as Mods and Administrators go.

Anyway, I'm here to share a new idea as far as a hosting company goes.

Well, to start off, I'm 15 years old. Not many people are very comfortable with a 15 year old running a business. Trust me though, I am capable. Recently, I was planning on buying either a reseller cPanel account or a VPS and running everything on my own. However, I am missing one thing. A team that can stick by my side all the time and that's what I'm at hosting discussion for.

Now please, if your not comfortable with a 15 year old staff member/CEO, don't even bother. However, I am looking to fill these positions:

  • Co-Founder
  • Sales Representatives (Commission Based)
  • Support Technicians (Paid Based on Customer Resolutions)

Now to be honest, I was thinking of a few ways to pay. One would be either for every sale it gets split amongst the ENTIRE crew. I find this better as it gives everyone an equal share. Or we can do it as the way I listed above in that list.

I'm planning on calling the site HostxTreem as you can tell by my name. I think it'll be a fun and well thought out project that we can possibly make big.

If you'd like, please do not hesitate to post in this thread or email me at

Thank you so much and I would appreciate any words you have to say,
David Vazquez
Soon To Be HostxTreem Founder :agree:
Good to see an ambitious teenager! Most 15 year olds aren't thinking about starting business. Instead, they are too busy trying to convince their parents to buy them a brand new car. :D

Good luck!
David, welcome to

I think your proposal is a bit misleading. Are you looking to start your own company are you looking to work for someone else? I am just a bit confused by "Sales Representative (Commission Based)" position. As a company owner, you are not working on a commission, rather keep all the profits.
Yeah. I agree I worded that wrong.

1. Sorry for posting this in the wrong forum.
2. And no its not all for me. I'm just looking for a good team to actually work with and make this whole idea come to life.
I thought this thread was about :(

Anyways, no offense, but 15 is a lil' bit too young for my taste. I think you should be enjoying your childhood right now and trying to finish school.

I do thinks it's great that you're already making future plans to run your own business and ventures, though. However, take care of that brain of yours first and finish growing up (because once it's gone, it's gone!).

You'll have plenty of time to do whatever you want after that. ;)

Welcome to the forum and good luck! :D
Hah, yeah but the thing is, this is my passion. It's essentially what I want to do in life and hey, why not start now? Anyway, age is just a number. Doesn't mean ANYONE is incapable of going for their goals (regardless if it's a head start :))

Best regards,
David Vazquez
Hah, yeah but the thing is, this is my passion. It's essentially what I want to do in life and hey, why not start now? Anyway, age is just a number. Doesn't mean ANYONE is incapable of going for their goals (regardless if it's a head start :))

Best regards,
David Vazquez

Hi David,

You misunderstood me, I never said you are incapable of doing what you want to do. ;) I'm just saying there will be plenty of time for it, since you're just 15.

By all means, set your goals and go for them, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. :)
Well regardless, HostLeet, you are one of the very few people to actually show support for me in this type of project. People normally throw me to the side when they find out I'm that age and immediately I'm labeled as a scammer/wannabe entrepreneur who can't do anything with his life because he barely has "experience".

Computers and whatnot has been my passion since I was 5 and I envy those with a successful hosting company like you :D. But that's besides the fact. I find it fun getting those tickets and answering them and seeing the word "Thanks". It just pleases me for some reason.

To me it's not because of the money (given the fact that I work at other hosting companies for free) but it's rather because of the fact that I can go on to a good college with the words "Hosting Company Founder/CEO". Possibly even work at home and be competing with SingleHop:rolleyes2 . Ehh, may be a little bit far-fetched, but hey it's good to dream right? :agree:

Anyway, thanks for the kind words. Hope we can keep in touch on the forums.

Best regards,
David Vazquez
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Hello David,

Just wanted to say good luck. I to had this dream at a yung age but had no one t back me up until I was 19.

I can't help you with sales, as that would take away from my own sales but if you need help with support, just let me know.

Also, welcome to HD Forums.

Best regards,
You don't need other people all the time, it's possible to start a company on your own. I did, although I've grown a little since then, bit it's definitely possible to start.
Well regardless, HostLeet, you are one of the very few people to actually show support for me in this type of project. People normally throw me to the side when they find out I'm that age and immediately I'm labeled as a scammer/wannabe entrepreneur who can't do anything with his life because he barely has "experience".

Computers and whatnot has been my passion since I was 5 and I envy those with a successful hosting company like you :D. But that's besides the fact. I find it fun getting those tickets and answering them and seeing the word "Thanks". It just pleases me for some reason.

To me it's not because of the money (given the fact that I work at other hosting companies for free) but it's rather because of the fact that I can go on to a good college with the words "Hosting Company Founder/CEO". Possibly even work at home and be competing with SingleHop:rolleyes2 . Ehh, may be a little bit far-fetched, but hey it's good to dream right? :agree:

Anyway, thanks for the kind words. Hope we can keep in touch on the forums.

Best regards,
David Vazquez

Hi David,

That's a great attitude and I wish you the best in your ventures (you're in the right track for sure). And remember, the sky is the limit, but you can touch the moon if you try. ;)

Also, I try to visit HD forums every single day, so we'll definately keep in touch if you're in here. :D
Welcome to Hosting Discussion, David and the best with your new enterprise. If you have any questions, someone here will be more than happy to help - this is a good community. :D
Thanks Steve. I like it way better here than at WebHostingTalk. They're community of Mods and Administrators are terrible and so far, just about everyone here welcomed me. :)
Hi nice to hear about starting company of your own.Here also the same, as soon as i completed my studies i am working in my friend company.You can get lot of things in this HD,so why dont you try with your good friends lol.
You can assign some other if necessary. Anyway congrats...
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Hi David, Welcome to HD. It is good to start your own company. :) If you choose the reseller hosting provider which provides great technical support to your clients then I think you do not need the Support Technicians.
Have a luck! :D
Stay with this idea! I was 14 when I started and I did fail 2-3 times but I did manage to get a good host going. I stuck with it and it eventually paid off. Due to health reasons I closed down, but I still had lots of fun and enjoyed my job as being a host :)
Hi there Hostxtreem and welcome to HD as many others have said. I'm with Hostleet in saying that the sky is the limit as far as any business goes and certainly age shouldn't be an impeding factor in any industry, as there are prime examples of this both in the hosting industry and others (The Junior Apprentice - £48/k profit in one day being an example) of sucsessfull teens.

The issue with both younger entrants as well as to older entrants into any field of business is that of specialised industry incite and knowledge, strategic alliances (partnering with other providers in a way that reduces a competitive force or aides a comparative strategy ) and importantly funding, there are many mistakes to be made and some are somewhat essential however they can be somewhat an inhibiting factor with limited funding.

All that said, I know of two providers (one personally) that were started by those of the ages of 14/15 the fact of this is a closely guarded secret of each provider, however one achieved a monthly turnover of £38k/mo before hitting a "snag". The other didn't unfortunately make it past the first hurdle.

My advice would be to ask as many questions as humanly possible, read as much information as you can and set out a detailed plan, without this you will lose track of things within a market which in frank is very dynamic.
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