Is Reselling Profitable?

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I'm planning to start a resller business , but i'm totally new to the business and need a good advice from all the members here, The tips and tricks and also how we can do this business in a much profitable manner.
Well, simple answer really.

That is up to you.

Why? Because you set your prices and decide, no one else.
But yes, it can be profitable depending on the person reselling it.
If you're really serious about the hosting business, I suggest getting dedicated servers, VPS & some shared hosting. Get a site then sell the service. That's more profitable.
Yes, Reseller hosting is definitely profitable if done wisely and choosing the right hosting provider is the most important thing here. Reselling allows you to plan your profit margins and set the cost of the hosting packages you create accordingly.
Anything can be profitable if you are a good salesperson and you can follow through on what you are selling. So the answer is yes reselling can be profitable.
i started 11 trs ago like most on a reseller and then moving to a master reseller and was making a great profit until the host did a runner losing me many clients and he was giving all excuses for 3 days before stopped communication. managed to find a temp host to at least get back running, but not the same features and by this time lost 70% of client base, so i then decided to get my own VPS and wish i did it years ago, this was 6 yrs ago and have never looked back, now making a living again with a decent profit, but its hard work
I've been thinking about reselling too, its certainly not the "get rich quick" that some people preach. I've done a little business planning and am surprised at how much effort is actually involved. Good luck in your ventures!
I've been thinking about reselling too, its certainly not the "get rich quick" that some people preach. I've done a little business planning and am surprised at how much effort is actually involved. Good luck in your ventures!

yes some people think all you do is pay $3 a month, and then get a web hosting template and then a WHMCS licence and then list plans and have these automated through WHMCS and just sit back and watch the money come in.


always keeping ontop of server security and then making sure clients are happy and servers running smoothly at the same time looking for ways to make your services stand out from others. then making random site checks to make sure no sites are breaking TOS and hosting anything illegal ( some do try) etc. this list goes on and on. its a full time business. currently i an online from 7am to 10pm with livechat open all this time, clients know these times, ands my servers are well monitored out of these hours, but ive seen me working with clients until 2am to sort issues
It is much more profitable when you have your own Dedicated Servers.

this is too true as having a reseller, master reseller or an Alpha reseller account, you have no control over the server as you are reselling someone elses services, where they sell too you in order to cover their server costs and make a provide, then you sell to your clients for the same reason, but ata higher price that your competitors.
get you own server and then you cut out the middleman
If you can not afford to own dedicated server at the initial stage of business then you have option to go with any suitable reseller plan. If you choose right webhost that is ready to provide you quality support then it will indeed add growth in your business.
Once you have large no. of clients to host then you can think about the dedicated server.
If you can not afford to own dedicated server at the initial stage of business then you have option to go with any suitable reseller plan. If you choose right webhost that is ready to provide you quality support then it will indeed add growth in your business.
Once you have large no. of clients to host then you can think about the dedicated server.

A decent managed VPS will cost not much more than a reseller plan and you will have more control
If you can not afford to own dedicated server at the initial stage of business then you have option to go with any suitable reseller plan. If you choose right webhost that is ready to provide you quality support then it will indeed add growth in your business.
Once you have large no. of clients to host then you can think about the dedicated server.

Yes i agree with you
Reselling web hosting service can be profitable provided that you know what you are doing. Starting your own web hosting business could cost you arms and legs, and for many people it is not an option.
Reselling web hosting service can be profitable provided that you know what you are doing. Starting your own web hosting business could cost you arms and legs, and for many people it is not an option.

if you have your own VPS or dedicated server then you are not technically reselling anyone elses services.

a good master reseller account will cost on average $20 a month, then you need a management suite like Clientexec/WHMCS which is $15/$20 a month

but you have no server control on what security etc. is on the server or on how many other accounts the host has on the server and if only one of these account abuses the server then the whole server can be taken down.

A reasonable managed VPS with cpanel will cost an average $35 a month, Clientexec/WHMCS $15/$20 a month WHMReseller etc. $50 a year, auto installer $12 a year, firewall FREE.

you have full control and can sell std cpanel hosting, reseller/master reseller plans.

if you have reasonably priced plans then you should cover these costs without any problem.
It can be if your smart and play the game the right way. Reselling shared hosting can be easy and hard at the same time. To make a profit off a reseller you would have to make your plans cost enough to hit that point or make a lot of sales.

What are you looking to resell from? Are you looking to buy a reseller or resell a providers packages? It really all depends on how and what way you do it.
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