WHMCS discontinue Mobile Edition

Can't you get the full site on that?

Your choice of phone should be a business decision. I really like the android app. Chuck your BB asap -- even if you have to pay for a cheap android to get by until your next upgrade

The WHMCS admin area is not responsive site,the mobile edition just like the iPhone addon and android addon is design specially. At the time BlackBerry were good, but it seems the are pulling out of U as they are not providing their new passport to any UK providers and they won't answer support anymore
I've seen a lot of people knock the app (aWHMCS/iWHMCS) but I like it a lot. Anything I can't do on it can wait until I get home. I have a Note 4 now, so even the full whmcs admin site isn't bad.

I think you would enjoy an Android+aWHMCS
This is news to me, unless I missed an email from them.

OP, perhaps you can tweak one of the admin themes to work better with your BB phone. I know it stinks and you likely love you BB but I'm with the other poster that suggested you get a cheap Android to test out.

I've also had the Android WHMCS app for quite some time and it has been working well.

Just wanted to chime in here but hope this helps.
This is news to me, unless I missed an email from them.

that was the point, WHMCS NEVER emailed anyone using this, the first think noticed was it missing from addons on WHMCS site and then using the forum thread
http://forum.whmcs.com/showthread.php?89706-Mobile-edition-v2-release-and-functionality from post 7 when it is started to get discussed and then if you open a support ticket they will explain it and offer a refund of any money paid.

Regarding my Blackberry, as it seems BB has decided to withdraw from UK as they dont want to provide any providers with the phones i sold my BB Z10 before they suddenly stop supporting users.

I tried an android Sony Xperia E, but this was faulty and after getting messed about by provider they refunded me and used the refund to pay off my contract.
So i changed providers and now have an Apple iPhone 5c