Which Control Panel??

Webmin, Virtualmin is free which makes it better than cPanel or Plesk or ISP Manager. Hard to run a business when constantly worrying about licenses or callbacks while testing and developing. When its time to scale you will be required to pay more for each server you launch running WHM/Cpanel or Plesk which is difficult to do for startups with so many other obligations to clients and staff.
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Webmin, Virtualmin is free which makes it better than cPanel or Plesk or ISP Manager. Hard to run a business when constantly worrying about licenses or callbacks while testing and developing. When its time to scale you will be required to pay more for each server you launch running WHM/Cpanel or Plesk which is difficult to do for startups with so many other obligations to clients and staff.

because they are free does not make them better. If you are running a hosting business you have to constantly think about things like server security, licences. This is part and parcel of the industry, if you don't want to think about these then you are in the wrong business.
offcourse cpanel....

Advantage of cPanel

- Simple installation process
- Highly compatible
- Interactive interface
- Easily portable
- No prior experience required
- Easy website management
I think cPanel is the best choice for anyone, as it's really easy to use, fast, reliable, and you have all your management options right in front of you - no need to struggle to find something you desperately need.
I think cPanel is the best choice for anyone, as it's really easy to use, fast, reliable, and you have all your management options right in front of you - no need to struggle to find something you desperately need.

cPanel does have some great tools in WHM etc but you shouldn't rely on it 100%. If you're not experienced running a server without cPanel's GUI then it is probably best to hire a server management company (or go with a fully managed server).

for shared hosting, we use DirectAdmin. We like it more than cPanel because the panel take less server ressources, it's also very easy to customize it to optain your own custom hosting platform. Also, you can count on the DirectAdmin team and forum guys that are very active and helpfull. DA is also very cheap...299$ for a lifetime license...

We agree, we've hacked directadmin to work with nginx, varnish & litespeed, automatically adding/removing monitoring of domains with statuscake, and a host of security extras.
DirectAdmin is the easiest to use control panel, and it's functionality is easily extended.
DirectAdmin and others besides Cpanel and Plesk use less resources and can be a good solution for shared or VPS accounts etc. A LOT of people know about Cpanel and maybe not so much the others so they tend to go with what they are familiar and comfortable with. Learning to use a new web based control panel might put a few people off. However, we try and install pretty much all the most popular control panels as long as they are kept updated and not abandoned (vePortal comes to mind) but are not mixing different control panels on VPS server setups.

And don't forget Virtualmin...
A huge benefit of clients going for cPanel is the fact most providers use it in a Linux environment. Not happy with one provider? No problem, most will migrate you for free.

From DirectAdmin to cPanel? Very few will do this for free and sometimes its simply not offered as a paid addon.
I did this DirectAdmin to cPanel for a client one, it was a nightmare as i had to get the DA backup and unzip it and then manually upload individual folder/files to cpanel and any conversion scripts never work.

I charged for this due to the length of time involved
I can prefer VPS Hosting Plans for the following cases:

  • Expansion of your business beyond shared hosting level.
  • Expectation for a significant increase in traffic over the next few months.
  • Plans to work with confidential secured data in your business.
  • Intention to increase headcount which in turn requires a greater email capacity.
  • Plan to host multiple sites, blogs or different applications very soon.
Personally, I've always enjoyed Direct Admin. However, cPanel/WHM has a much larger client base and is well known around town by just about everyone.

Direct Admin is just simple to use and not a bunch of things that never get used or used much. CPanel is just "clunky" to me...
We offer a widde variety of control panels for shared and VPS web hosting.

VirtualMin, WHM/cPanel, ISP Manager, DirectAdmin, SolusVM(aka VNC) comes free with each package - we offer anything people request.

However, i fully agree to Eassyhostmedia - security should be your most important concern, not license cost.

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