which control panel you using?

CPanel is worth every dime...as much for the front end customers use but also the back end admin scripts and self updating settings it has.
If you have Linux, go for cPanel with out any doubt. It is the most reliable hosting panel. A bug free panel which give you a complete freedom to manage whole server through its interface.

In Windows, Plesk is the most perfect one. Although it is also good at Linux but not more than cPanel.
Am I expected to say something different than "cPanel" :) WE used to use own own proprietary control panel but 2 years ago we switched to cPanel. Why? Most HD members have already provided a good reason for that.
Calculating all the responses to this thread, I guess cPanel is referred by almost 80%.
This gives idea how powerful this panel is.
I prefer to use cPanet. It is having many advantages of using it-
1. Easy to navigate, colorful, and vibrant client interface,
2. Wide array of supported operating systems, including Redhat, Free BSD, CentOS, Fedora, Debian, and Trustix,
3. Widely accepted by potential webhosting clients,
4. Relatively low-cost solution, if purchased through a datacenter,
5. Various addons to the control panel, such as cPanel PRO and Fantastico available,
6. Easily skinnable, many skins available,
7. Frequent software updates.
The question is, can you operate you server just as easily as using cpanel if you are using plesk? I guess I have had no experience with Plesk. Anyone?
Cpanel/Plesk for Linux and Plesk for Windows.

Pinellashosting >>> how about your experience with Interworx? Is it better than Plesk? I am sure you will be managing your Windows servers through it, right?