What made you select your Hosting Provider?

While choosing the hosting provider, I think you should consider some important terms like reliability, security, and affordable packages. Those who are able to fulfill these aspects then surely you can go with this hosting provider.
You can follow these points while you are choosing the best hosting company for you:

-Check the web host’s server uptime record
-Check if they offer multiple add-on domains
-Ask about the company’s refund policy.
-Find out what a basic contract offers.
-Check for specialty features.
-Always check the reviews
Of course customer service and support are a given but in the end for me it comes down to performance. If the performance is good than you barely need any customer support. Therefore I believe price is not necessarily among the strongest criteria.

The problem is that the proof is in the pudding. Its very difficult to gauge the performance of a company up front. In the end you have to rely on your gut feeling as well, taking into account the overall look and feel of the company, reviews, specs as well as pricing.
Way back in 2010 when we were doing reselling under another brand, we always chose Softlayer. Simply because they were very responsive support and they used only the best hardware. But they were costly. Premium was well justified.

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