We need webhosting very good deal inside

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Hello, we are a large website developemnt company in Delaware. We are wondering would you guys sponsor us as in give us a free domain and or hosting. In return we will make it mandatory that all of our clients use your hosting, also we will advertise you on our website! Please accept to our offer! It would be greatly Appricated!

Aim= mpcovcd
My only question would be how is that a "large development company" based in the United States cannot afford a critical and low expense such as $50/year toward their domain name and hosting.

Or maybe I should be asking a different question: What is a large development company?

Best of luck,
Art beat me to those questions

we are a large website developemnt company
And this company is called...

If your a large website development company; you can't afford to purchase a domain name for $7? :|
Hello, sorry for the incovience but a "large" as in we have many clients for a Delaware economy. Also I was in a rush when i posted an message. So here are the specs we need and some of the specs of our company. We are a company that wants to expand out side of Delaware. We need some one to sponsor us and provide us with a domian and or a hosting plan. These are the specs we need!

Atlest 1GB storage
35GB Bandwith -more or less welcome
20 pop3 email account
5 MySQL databases
cPanel w/ Fantastico

Also you said that why cant you afford your own hosting? The problem is that we rent out our building space, we need to pay employees, etc. Many Design Studios with how every many clients as ours still cant pay for many nessicites.
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This is a joke right? Is it April first?

You want us to believe that you have a "large" company that you want to expand into an interstate company, you rent a building, you have employees that you pay and you can't afford $15/month for hosting and $8/year for a domain?

I think if this is truly the case then you have issues far greater than finding a host.
Ok, I guess im not going to get any help because blue some how found a way to make us look "fake" but were not. Thanks guys please close this thread
I am not completely sure where you take the "fake" part from, but if whatever people have asked you doesn't make sense to you, then not many would be able to help you. All people have asked you are reasonable questions ANY interested hosting company would ask to make a decision to sponsor you.

I will give you an example. You say you have a big company and all your clients will be referred.. no, not the word - "required" to host only with you. Personally, I don't see how you can make someone to host with a company unless using some sort of threatening. Fine, let's skip the issue. Suppose they do come to a hosting company that sponsors you - how many clients can a hosting company get in exchange? If you are a big company, you would know how many clients you guys server on average every month.

Those are the questions that you will be asked. Instead of answering them, you just state what YOU need, and completely forget about those who you asking help from.

Good luck.
Blue is in no way trying to make you look fake. He is simply trying to understand why a business would need to be sponsored. Usually, sponsorships are reserved for non-profit organizations, charities, etc. Webhosting is simply just another business expense that you have to eat. Good luck with your search though.
mpcovcd said:
Ok, I guess im not going to get any help because blue some how found a way to make us look "fake" but were not. Thanks guys please close this thread

You have said nothing in this thread to lead anyone to believe you are legitimate.

You are asking for free hosting.

No "large" company that I have ever heard of asks for free hosting.

You claim that you will make it "mandatory" that your clients host with the host that gives you free hosting. How do you propose to do that. Again, this doesn't sound like something a big company would do.

You haven't even stated the name of your business.

Anyone can come here and ask for free hosting and make all sorts of claims about who they are and what they can offer. Our job here is to protect our users from people who may do damage to their business via these forums.

We don't know if you are legitimate because you have given us no indication that you are.
Give us something to go on and we can wipe out this thread and let you start fresh with your free hosting request.

I'm not trying to make you look fake, I'm giving you the opportunity to show that you are not fake.
mpcovcd said:
These are the specs we need!

Atlest 1GB storage
35GB Bandwith -more or less welcome
20 pop3 email account
5 MySQL databases
cPanel w/ Fantastico
For such specs, you are looking at $30-50/month of hosting expense.
So, to get that mulah for FREE, you sure need to justify the cause and answer the questions asked by all the hosters here. :rolleyes:
"I will give you an example. You say you have a big company and all your clients will be referred.. no, not the word - "required" to host only with you. Personally, I don't see how you can make someone to host with a company unless using some sort of threatening. Fine, let's skip the issue. Suppose they do come to a hosting company that sponsors you - how many clients can a hosting company get in exchange? If you are a big company, you would know how many clients you guys server on average every month."

All of our clients mostly tell us to find a hosting service for them, some of them dont who ever we find will definatly switch and welll talk to the ones that buy the hoting y searching themselves.

Could you answer questions which most people are wondering What is this "large" company name? You can't post a thread requesting Free Hosting (Sponsership) and not even give us a name.
We will be referring 10appox clients per month. They would need regular type hosting 1Gbdisk space 5GBbandwith
Can you at least answer a few of the other questions, such as your company's name?
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