Technical Suport Coverage

so many different ways of getting the goal accomplished - you need to have a balance, use outsourced support if it can help to cover off hours etc -- we all do it differently as we are all different
Most users don't bother if you have 24/7 support online. They want their requests to be resolved in a timely manner. Though, we do provider unmanaged vps etc. but we do provide support to managed service question except when the support requests are at peak.
I'm not sure with that statement, in my experience users have enjoyed having live support, if it's used correctly.

I've been on site's and waiting 10 minutes for live help, only to be told there are "no operators available at this time".

The thing you need to think about is that there is two types of 24/7 support. The 24/7 email system and the live help/phone. The latter is better, however the former can be classified as 24/7 even if staff are only checking it during business hours.

Some things to think about.
however the former can be classified as 24/7 even if staff are only checking it during business hours.
That would be a misclasification and false advertising. It's no different to saying you have 24/7 phone support when all you have is an answering machine.

Some customers may be willing to tolerate limited overnight support, but it is also important to be prepared for wider support issues (an outage at your facility, etc.)

While our facilities are staffed 24x7 by a few (smart) techs, the thought of sending low-level tickets to a tech support company seems appealing as volume increases.