TDLHosting Possible Sale


New member
Hi Everyone,

I am looking to possibly sell my hosting business, depending on if anyone is interested, and the price is pretty good. I will take and consider bids on any level. Here is what I have to offer:

-3 domains,,,

-2 Paid clients, one paying $15/month the other paying $10/month

-VDS Solution, (80gb of space, 1000gb of bandwidth and so fourth)

-Google Ads Account and all profits made from the current month of company sale

-All designs and scripts made from the compnay

-cPanel and WHM will be included

Bids and offers please be sent to More information will be given to serious bidders. I had to make this in a hurry so please excuse me for lack of information should there be any.

Also, this is not an official sale. We are only taking bids because in a month or so we will need to close. The highest bidder will receive everything we have ranging from domains, reseller account, clients, scripts, designs, google funds, and more.

We are also in the process of acquiring vBulletin, that licence will also be included in the bid. We made the decision to possibly sell after begining the necessary steps to purchase vBulletin so we will continue with that and sell the licence once everything is straightened out.

Please do, once again send all bids and offers to

Thanks again
can I ask a couple of questions ?

what does the vds cost / month ?
what does "not official sale" mean ?
what are you closing 2 months after starting ?
are you willing to sign a non-compete agreement stopping you using the money to go start another host ?
what contract term the 2 clients are on ?
will the website be finsihe before the sale ?

heretic said:
thats just ridiculous...
Not exactly. In law it's called a non-competition clause. A very big deal, usually applied to geographic location, but in this particular case it carries no use because of high levgel of competition in the industry and no clear "borders" - Internet has no borders, hard to say where you compete exactly.

My two cents.
in the UK its called a non-compete agreement, usually lasting at least 12months and is in the main a standard part of business purchase.

quite often when one company takes over another the senior managemnt are put on what is termed "gardening leave" for 12 months and non-compete for another 12 - they're not allowed to work at all for the 1st year and not in the same industry for another year after that.

It's simply a way of protecting the purchasers investment and business- imagine ford sell out to mercedes, and use the money to go start another car company - just wouldn't be allowed happen in a serious business ...
true but this is a very small business and it would be difficult to track and I doubt this biz would sell for a large amount as it has a small customer base.
heretic said:
and I doubt this biz would sell for a large amount as it has a small customer base.
We'll just have to wait and see. Plus, we try to tell users not to make such statements in other people's sales threads, as you wouldn't want someone coming across your sales thread and saying that you charge too much for something.
Okay it's been sold for now, however due to the wait on cash ive acquired more things to help keep the business running and the seller happy, however im putting these up for grabs:

-Two additional domains
-vBulletin (not sold)
-VDS Solution
-Dedicated Server (you take on the payments instead of me) includes all necessities with ZPanel installed.
-New design layouts
-4 Domain Names

I really need the cash for this, so please...anyone please help me out.

Also im sorry for not answering questions, I asked for bids and what not to be sent THROUGH EMAIL. I was not checking up on this post.
I would consider any offers you have even if you had the software, I will sign a deal stating I won't use the funds to start up another host, I lost one client due to server down time, but the big one is on month-to-month, the VDS costs $37 per month and the dedi costs $80 per month and the website is already finished. I hope this covers most of your questions.
Why should you choose us?

InterHost UK is part of a fully Developed family of Hosting Companies, this includes:
Velox Internet UK, Velox Internet USA, Web Host Quick, Pnpsuk NET

How often do you see our servers down??? The answer is when we are installing them!
We have over 6 Years Experience in this industry!
Full Access to Nominet Uk Domain registration provider!
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Technical Support That Care and will help you when you need them most!
Telephone Customer Service / Technical Support!
24 Hour Email Support with a normal response time of less than 2-3 hours!
We OWN our servers and we have full root access so if you want software installing we may carry this out!
If something goes wrong a reseller has to contact their host to fix the fault, we do it ourselves
Our Server Specifications are:

Pentium 4 2.4 GHZ Processor
40 GB X2 7200 RPM
Apache Web server
Why are we offering reseller plans on ebay?

This is a new part of our group and we want to give it the head start it deserves!
We want to place a quality and reliable service to ebay members!
Why settle for Plesk, when you can have Cpanel / WHM!
We wont be taking more than 10 people on via ebay as we only place a maximum of 4 resellers on any one server this improves how fast your site is displayed around the world, the other reason is that its a launch offer!

Our prices are among the lowest of the net, but are we the cheapest? No, we are not the very cheapest on the internet. However, let us give you a small education about the "true costs" of web hosting. We will show you that while we may not be the cheapest, we are truly the best choice for your money. The first simple concept is that your web host has to have a server. Many hosts are "resellers", which means they are sharing someone else's server with many other (sometimes hundreds of) resellers. There are potential pitfalls of buying from a reseller. Based on our research, the average reseller is a teenager living with his parents, running the business out of his bedroom. They typically offer rock-bottom prices and may even seem to provide a decent level of support (for example, their phone number or AIM). However, these types of resellers almost always disappoint their clients in the end when they go out of business or simply decide to do something else. Don't take this the wrong way--many resellers are great. In fact we highly value our own resellers, as they are an important part of our business. We are simply illustrating the risk involved with buying from a reseller who has unrealistically low prices.
The final auction price will be how much you pay per month for the account listed below, you will receive a proper invoice each month for the services your purchase.
Still not convinced?

Money Back Guarantee
We’re so confident we will surpass your expectations that if you are unsatisfied, you can cancel your account and claim a full refund within 7 days !

This Reseller Account comes with a Web Host Manager Panel (WHM) which gives you total control over your hosting business. What sets this package apart from the competition is that it includes unlimited space, unlimited bandwidth, and unlimited domains hosted
Unlimited Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Domains
Fast and reliable Servers
Full Customer Support
Free ENOM reseller account!
FREE Reseller template like ,

There are NO set-up fees, no contracts, and you may cancel at any time.

Your subscription price is locked in for the life of your account.

Email me @
velox said:
Why should you choose us?

InterHost UK is part of a fully Developed family of Hosting Companies, this includes:
Velox Internet UK, Velox Internet USA, Web Host Quick, Pnpsuk NET

How often do you see our servers down??? The answer is when we are installing them!
We have over 6 Years Experience in this industry!
Full Access to Nominet Uk Domain registration provider!

Just found this forum and post in Google - To set the record right: Interhost UK Ltd is in no way connected with the "fully developed family of Hosting Companies" as listed above.

I do not know where some people get their ideas from :(
Hi InterHostUK welcome to Hosting

pull up a chair, but don't get too comfy, it's traditional for new hosts to get the 1st round in ...
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InterhostUK said:
Just found this forum and post in Google - To set the record right: Interhost UK Ltd is in no way connected with the "fully developed family of Hosting Companies" as listed above.

I do not know where some people get their ideas from :(

We wish we never had even used the name InterHost Uk, it brings us so many complaints, then we have to try and convince people that we are not connected to them.

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