Support Tickets

Uaually all the tickets should be dealt with in 10 minutes,If your question is very difficult,customer staff will email you noticing you should wait a period of time.Once the problem is fixed,customer also will email you to notice.
I am having an issue randomly when I open a support ticket (not in the clients name, but in the clients support area) that right off the bat I can not "assign" the ticket to me, so when they do reply, I do not get the email update, grrr.

I love the idea within 10 minutes, but lets face it, for smaller companies that is going to be hard to do unless you sleep next to a computer that will set off an alarm when one comes in during the middle of the night.
Depending on what you are paying for hosting my expectations would change slightly for how rapidly I expect my tickets answered. If I am paying a dollar a month for unlimited anything I would defiantly expect a slower answer than if I was paying more for business specific hosting. For the cheap budget hosts I would be happy with a couple hour response time, business hosts 30 to 60 minutes at most.

John, I do see your point in that but coming from a place that has two hosting sites (different package sizes), we still answer all tickets ASAP for each site. To me it does not matter what you are paying, all tickets need to be handled quickly, otherwise clients get bored and go elsewhere.

I guess I was just looking for a middle ground as to what others were doing here.
I think average response time to support tickets should be between 30 minutes to 1 hour with the actual resolution time being dependent upon how critical the issue is. This is only to keep the customers updated that their issue is being worked upon.
A good hosting company maintains a average response time of 30 mins, 1 hour is also a good response time. it is also true that the hosting companies claims every ticket to be answered in 24 hours, it is for the safer side
How many companies here then (just a guess) that have full 24/7 support then? No matter what the time of day or night? I wonder how hard is it to come by these days for other places out there?
What is the preferred turn around time? I know if its not something urgent in our system you can set to low/med/high levels, but what is good? I have heard so many talk about waiting for days for any type of reply from their hosting company.

We try for anytime within the first 20 minutes of one being submitted to show good faith that we are investigating whichever issue might be going on, but I don't think I could handle waiting a day for a response. :rolleyes2

We also reply between 5-20 minutes depending on the scale of the issue.

I think anything over an hour is a problem. Considering many support requests could be costing the customers money it’s vital to have 30-minute response times.

I think if some of GoDaddys customers moved to a small host they would never leave. I believe GoDaddy has a 6 hour response time :shaky:
We try to keep it to under an hour. We have our system set up to escalate after 20 minutes of no tech response, and then up from there. The end result is that the customer gets a timely response, any time of the day.
if your a new company always respond to the most recently opened ticket ... so your clients can be like omg i get quick 1 minute response

other wise
urgent - 15 - 20 mins
med - 30 mins
low - 45 - 60 mins
I think anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour for a medium priority ticket is fine. For critical issues I would expect less than 30 minutes.