softaculous or fantastico

Softaculous, definitely, that's why most hosts dropped Fantastico some time ago. Softaculous has a WHMCS integration, much more scripts to offer, and on top of that more frequent updates. Come to think of it - not sure why anyone would still willingly continue to use Fantastico :D
+1 Softaculous all the way! As others have said, it's easy to use, has a good UI and very frequent updates. Their support is good too, and you can also create custom hooks and scripts to include yourself. Their API is great.
Hello, I think softaculous is great compared to fantastico. The reason is straight it is spread more and is used of millions of people. Also its license is cheaper then fantastico.
Softaculous has a lot more scripts than Fantastico. They also keep their scripts up-to-date, which is really the main reason I like it so much better than Fantastico honestly. Outdated scripts are a big no-no!
Softaculous is definitely the way to go, fastastico and installatron lost out to Softaculous years ago, when they stopped adding more scripts.
Today I was backing up a site in cPanel in one of my resellers, and after reading this thread, I noticed Fantastico was no longer in the cPanel

I never noticed it not being their anymore so I checked a few more cPanels on another host and it was not there anymore either.

Are you seeing the same thing in your cPanels?

I also remember reading several months ago that Fantastico was pretty much gone now and no updates on it anymore for a long period of time
+1 to Softaculous. It offers more scripts as well as they provide quick updates for scripts whenever a newer version available. With Fantastico, they are very slow to provide scripts update.
fantastico is pretty much dead cant wait til or very last customer abandons it so we can just terminate our partnership
don't forget installtron I prefer the interface.

we run both :)
We provide both, and we prefer Softaculous, Fantastico started to die since few years ago, the main reason in my opinion is the outdated scripts.

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