Released a new version of BillVoice yesterday


New member
Just wanted to let people know that I released a new version of Billvoice yesterday.

For anyone that doesn't know, BillVoice is a program I own coded specifically for offline billing and management of clients for webhosts.

The latest release is mainly just to fix a few bugs that were found recently.

I have also setup a test database to connect to so you can ensure the program is working ok.

Free support provided like before :)

Free download also ;)

If you would like to view screenshots of the program in action you can do that here

The skin used in the screenshots is an XP style, the program just uses normal windows :)

I have done work on it and I also paid a team of programmers to work on it since I don't have enough time to work on it as much as is needed.
Now that it is out of beta it won't need as much work though so I can do a lot on it myself to fix any problems, add new features etc.
Nice one John - hope we all get the bells and whistles one before you start charging a fortune for it ;)

PS did anyone find the MS Access conversion of the db any use ?
Hey Decker,
The sql has updated since the last release so the access one wouldn't work anymore.
Is it hard to convert it to mdb for access?
I would like to test it connecting to access on my local computer also.

Decker, can you tell me what you did to convert the sql to access please?
Would love to be able to test this tonight
I would like to give this a try using Access also.
Decker, did you try using the program with access before?
I thought MyOBDC had to be used?
Do you just change the settings in the connection box for the access db and forget about the MyOBDC?

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