Looking to buy small companies/established websites.


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I am looking to buy any smaller companies, and established websites. I am currently in Alpha phase of planning to go Incorporated and own smaller companies, and established websites.

If you can provide both stats, and proof of income I am willing to pay you the price that you wish to sell for. The only catch is that I would like to pay in payments. I am willing to pay upfront 3 times what your monthly income rate is, and from there on out 50% of the income coming in every month will go to you until it is paid off. I am only interested in established money making companies, etc. Whether it be one hundred.

Rather not sell, and would like to join the company? Are you looking for someone to cover all the expenses and pay you to run your site? Well, again if you're making money I'm again willing to take a look and purchase the company. I will pay you again 3 times your monthly income rate and from then on out you will receive 40% of the monthly income to manage the site.

We currently do not have a corporate email, or website setup as we're still just planning this company. I am legit and for real about this. The only risk you take by atleast offering a price for your company is wasting 5 minutes to write an email. Although you won't even be wasting that. We plan to start 'buying' companies within the next several months although we want to go ahead and start looking at potential companies/websites.

Please email us at onsite.worker@gmail.com with the following information.

- Your first name
- Your last name
- Your website or companies website
- What the purpose of the website or company is
- How much is your monthly income
- Proof of stats and income
- Are you looking to completely sell, or incorporate
- How much do you want out of the sell after all payments are complete

Thanks and please email us.

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