Looking for a host recommendation...

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New member
Hello, newbie here. I've been skulking around here for a few days now, reading some posts, and now I would like to see how many recommendations I can get.
I'm also a newbie at web design. My page is at:
This is the test site at my personal ISP, and now I want to find a good host. As you can see (if you take the time to go there) it is for a non-profit group. I plan to keep learning more stuff, like ASP, MS Access, SSI, and whatever else seems appropriate; I would like to find a host I can grow with, without having to increase the cost. I would prefer a Windows server.
I would rather hear all of your opinions than solicit companies directly, based on what I've been reading here. I'm sure you all know what I mean ;-)
Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!
Izzy, this was posted in the wrong forum, hosts cannot give quotes or advertise their service in this particular forum, so I moved it for you in the "Hosting Requests" forum where you'll be getting various affordable solutions.

Some hosts will actually help you with the advice, give you a custom quote. Everyone can suggest the best hosting company for you over there as well.

Good luck,
Welcome to hostingdiscussion.com izzy!

Hostway is pricey but they offer a reliable service, excellent customer support, and plenty of well-organized tutorials to help you get started. I have used them in the past and I have been very satisfied with their services. Also I have a friend who is using a Windows Server with Hostway to host his site (http://geologyjobs.com/) runned in asp, and he has been very satisfied with their services too.

Good Luck!
Giving room to grow

Hi Izzy,

The website is very basic, but clean and easy to navigate. Hey, you have Microsoft.com beat there. You could add a little spice and have a little less wasted space, but you really seem to be headed in the right direction. Seems like you intend to have this site grow as it goes.

Your post caught my attention since you were talking about "room to grow" and our "Personal Pro" account seems to parallel your needs. Do you notice how other postings for "good and affordable" hosting get pounded with replies yet yours has very few. The reason is that most web hosts do not accomodate the growth without the hassle of upgrading in price or changing servers.

You may have heard a lot about "unlimited" hosting where no real limits are placed on the storage capacity or transfer bandwidth. This type of offerring often gets highly criticized in the forums as some state that "there is no such thing as UNLIMITED". This term has gotten trashed to the point that many of the unlimited providers now use the term "uncapped" or "unmetered". Yes, it is true that if the hosting provider does not know how to properly offer unlimited service, then it CAN cause a lot of problems - oftentimes more than it is worth.

On the other hand, there ARE companies out there who do this service successfully and have been for years. Our company, www.*******.com is one such firm who accomodates the personal/non-profit/small business clietelle with a winning unlimited hosting account. Many find this hard to believe, but just check the ratings at sites that score feedback from actual clients like http://www.***************.com/WriteReview.asp?FeedId=2791 then compare with others on the site. That is the best way to make a decision. Look at the number of reviews written and also the average scores. More often than not, people are bound to leave negative postings - hosts who do a good job operate in the background reliably. This allows the client to focus on what THEY do best, not on "which hosting company do I go with THIS week".

Hope this is useful info for you whether you choose ******* or someone else.
Thanks, dynaweb, for the comments. Yep, it's simple right now, but I wanted form to follow function. Spice will come later, as I learn more. The site was coded by hand because that's how I want to learn it, and I plan on trying out Dreamweaver.

As for where I originally posted, I did not expect any quotes, just recommendations from those who have tried and liked. In fact, I was hoping to not get any solicitations, and I am not a host seeking clients. I want "word of mouth." But OK, put it wherever it feels good.

Any other comments and recommendations are welcome. Thanks!
Its hard to get recommendations that are consistent in forums as most clients dont visit "enough" and actually post here there and everywhere regarding their host. I would certainly look though at any response you get here, and follow up if its a host you are interested in. Another option is to look over the webhost site and see if they have any onsite reviews from clients and if time permits drop them an email for feedback.
Its overwhelming with all the choices you have now!
Good Luck
If you are interested in windows or unix web hosting simply type in "unix/windows hosting reviews" in any top search engine (IE google.com) Most hosting review sites also rate the hosts to determine the one right for your requirements.
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Hey izzy, we could be what you're looking for though our servers are Linux and not Windows. You should really think about your decision of choosing Windows because I can tell you from experience that Linux servers are much more powerful, reliable and overall better than Windows servers. If you would like to talk to a live sales representative about our plans and what our company is all about please visit our company web site at:

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