Linux or windows?


What do you prefer to resell? Windows or linux?
Of course you say linux, but if you would like to resell windows what move you to start reselling windows web hosting services?
Many thanks for you

I perfer linux all the way, but windows is something I might branch out into in the future. I find linux better and easier to work with (in my oopinion).
I think you should Resell both. If you Resell both, Linux as well as Windows, you will be able to offer an Option to your Customers and hence you will get more Customers and Finally more Profits.
Linux only for me. I've preferred to get good at one rather than get ok with both. There's still a good demand for Windows, but I haven't had much demand from my clients. I recall 1 request for a windows VPS in the last year.
I have been toying with exchange for the last few weeks, mite sprout an arm into that :)
If I were to choose I would choose Linux. But I would prefer to sell both as then you get more profit, as said by the people above.
Hosting is more on demand with Linux, but windows hosting is gaining demand too. Most of the end users might be friendly with the windows system usage as well.
I often finds that, with windows reselling, you will get more support requests and unless your staff is well knowledgeable in dealing with windows tickets, things would be tough. Just make sure that Window is priced a bit high than Linux :)

I personally face trouble in getting knowledgeable windows techs compared to Linux techs.
Yeah, people prefer Linux as it is Cheaper in comparison to Windows and is less Complicated than Windows is. However, it also depends on the requirements of the Customer. If your Customers require ASP and ASP.NET then they will surely have to choose Windows hosting platform and hence it is suggested to Resell Windows also.
I perfer linux all the way, but windows is something I might branch out into in the future. I find linux better and easier to work with (in my oopinion).

That is my take on it as well. We hardly every get requests for windows applications, so we really have no need for it. We might not be big, but we are not small either and if the chance comes up that we really need it, we will look into it more just not right now.
Some people prefer Linux, while others prefer Windows. By offering both of them, you are providing people the option to choose whatever their preference is, since after all, my or your preference, may not be the same as the customers.

I think that both platforms could not be compared, if you want to provide ASP.NET hosting, the right choice is Windows. For PHP and JAVA your choice could be Linux.

You should look at reselling both if possible, but if not a viable option then linux would have to have my vote, cheap and easy to manage
As far as I see Linux hosting has been more powerful for years. But the thing is that windows hosting is getting more popular nowadays. I hope we will start selling windows vps soon as there is high demand on it.