HelpDesk Software, and what you look for..


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We are developing a new helpdesk application in PHP.

The HelpDesk application will intergrate into our new control panel, as well as our new, proprietary ANMReseller Kit™

The issue we have found is that there are so many helpdesk solutions available, but when it comes to PHP, they're typically ugly, and work even worse.

The questions I guess, would be...

1. When, you look for a helpdesk application, what features do you look for?

2. After the basic features, what kind of features would you like to see, that's not out there now? Basically, if there is anything you could add to helpdesk software, or wanted to see added to helpdesk software....what would it be?

Just some FYI as well, we will be using these concepts and answers to help determine the rest of the features for our helpdesk software. Anyone who provides an answer that is used, will receive a free copy, for their assistance.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Just wanted to point out that we're looking for input from the tech, admin, and client points of view.
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From a clients viewpoint ... one of the best HelpDesk systems I have used is

eSupport from

At least it could have been the best one I used if the web host actually chose to use it right ;)

But it seems to have all the things that me as customer would have appreciated.

Just my :twocents:
Hmmmm .... put me on the spot why don't you LOL :)

Okay ... I am a guy that really, if at all possible, likes to try to fix a problem on my own before I bother the Help Desk.

So ... IF the web host I had used the eSupport software as it appears to have been designed for ... there would have been entries in the Troubleshooter section. There was also a Knowledgebase section (that was never utilized) And an Announcements where I guess problems with servers could have been displayed and when the problem was corrected.

And the interface for entering a ticket and viewing its status was easy to use. I also could see a list of previous tickets submitted so if I encountered the same problem a few months down the line ... I could open that ticket and see how it was resolved previously. Especially helpful when the support desk just had to give me instructions on how to accomplish a task on own.

Most help desks ... once a ticket is closed the record of it vanishes from the clients screens or menu choices.

How is that? Did I do OK? :) Not sure if that was the info you were looking for ... but its the info you got ;)


Pet Peeve Time: I really hate it when a web host decides to have their Help Desk on the same server that the web sites are being hosted on. Problem with my web space ... if its server wide problem .... I cannot contact my web host until he decides to fix the problem. Drive me to distraction ;)
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ANMMark said:
So, basically, a nice troubleshooting section, knowledgebase, and the ability to view closed tickets?

Yeah ... well ... if you want to edit out my tendency to "rampant verbosity" ... heheheee YES :) Plus an Annoucements area where if there is a problem that the web host already knows about they can post the relevant info and negate my need to tell them something they already are aware of.

Being concise is just NOT in my makeup hehehe

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Hey, beleive's a good response from the customer point of view ;)

I think the thing that will be faced, if these two features are added is, it still won't mean the host will use those features properly or at all, as you have mentioned. If used properly, I agree...they are nice features.
ANMMark said:
Hey, beleive's a good response from the customer point of view ;)

I think the thing that will be faced, if these two features are added is, it still won't mean the host will use those features properly or at all, as you have mentioned. If used properly, I agree...they are nice features.

Thank you Mark ... wish I could have commented from a hosts point of view.

As for a host not using the features ... even if the host has a forum, if those mentioned features are utilized then I think a lot of their customers would use the info there before posting to the forum or contacting the Help Desk. Or maybe I am "uniquely warped" in that area. Like I said ... I would rather try to solve a problem on my own rather than post a problem to a forum or enter a Help Desk ticket. Mainly, I guess, because if it turns out to be considered a "stupid question" ... I would like to avoid the label of "moron" LOL :)

We had our Client Control Panel custom coded from the ground up. Actually, it was done once, then I had a server move and the database that controlled it was corrupted and the original programmer never finished it. We then contracted out a second programmer who started work on repairing the damages but never finished it. The third programmer we contracted out finished work and did an AWESOME and TIMELY job of it.

Our CCP (Customer Control Panel) is tied in with our signup form. It shows new signups, the customer is automatically added into the database so they can login instantly. I am sent an E-mail when a ticket is created or a response added. I can add "Technicians" who can use the CCP to, of course, answer replies or use the cost calculator to determine cost of a custom package and the markup accordingly.

If you want I can give you an admin account so you can poke around. It's pretty impressive quite honestly, and I'm very modest about it :)
One of the help desk I like is cerberus it can be intergarted with modernbilll too you get exactly all details no. of admins logged in ,time last person was replied and it avoids on problem of two person working solving the same issue thus reduces the time spend on one issue really some very nice facilities too happy to use it :)