For the Hosting companies


New member
OK, I know we are all competitors, and I am not saying that is bad... But I like the idea that as an industry we all tend to help each other out. I have been reading a lot of posts and even though I may not know anything about that particular subject, I learn a lot. I am not sure if I will make the 150 posts that I want to, but I am going to try my best. I mean with 365 days a year one post a day would sure help me get there. But I have to say that I have learned as much from other businesses as I have from the company I work for. So from the bottom of my heart I want to give my thanks to all of you.... Makes me feel good about this industry.
Well, the hosting industry is a good one. There are a lot of people who will help out and HD is a great place to find those people.
Well these types of forums are really nice because you can see what other companies are doing and what problems they are facing. Then you know what to do to provide a good hosting service.
The Hosting industry is very competitive, but can be very rewarding if you get big. Just stay focused and read other companies experiences to learn from their advantages and disadvantages.
i been seeing through more than 10 hosting big hosting company, and each have their unique features. targeting different user needs. harmony. :thumbsup:
Most other 'offline' businesses only network at conferences and other boring events :). We are lucky that we have forums and other ways to communicate on a regular basis. This probably increases the competitivenesses too, but overall its greatly; industry to be in.
That's the thing with the hosting industry.. we all share and learn knowledge/tips from each other. It's how we all preform better, through sharing our experiences with each other and building off each other. :)
I have never experienced rude competition. Even my competitors have helped me out whenever I needed it.
I think what DonHouston noted is actually very true. I tried to think of another industry that would come together like this and provide free advice/help to each other, even though being in competition with each other. By doing so I think that it stimulates growth of higher standards of operating success and business ethics as more and more companies and clients are being educated on the downsides of web hosting, what to aware of, etc. The more you know, the better decision you are going to make, the less mistakes customers are going to make. Its a win-win for all those who earn their money honestly.

PS: Did someone say something about an orgy?? :love:

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