Do you own a website?Do you advertise on it?


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Do you own any websites?
Do you have advertising on any of them?
Is the advertising bringing in any money for you?

I dont think there is much money in advertising anymore which is why i dont have advertising on any of my sites, apart from here which is free anyway :)

many webmasters used to live off their sites but I dont think the advertising companies are paying out good rates anymore...
Most also want popups now and a lot of people are using popup blockers.
I have never had popups on any of my sites and I never will, I hate sites which have them, especially sites which have a load coming up when you enter it and also when you leave
Actually I used to own a humor website and was trying to sell some advetising space. Never really earned me any money, but I am thinking on starting my humor website up again or at least some other type of website where I can do some advertising and hopefully make some money.
Yeah myself included, but I mean if it is going to make me a bit of money, a banner on the bottom of a humor site couldn't hurt too much.. could it? :)

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