Berry said:I will write no more, demanting you all the time has no sence at all - it beginns to be flooding/flaming.
Thanks for your efforts anyway... :banned:
RWH is probably one of the best hosts I have ever used. Although their technical support maybe sometimes a bit slow, but that's better than submitting a "help ticket" and waiting 4 days for your support! And they may have a few typos, but thats normal too! I remember on the associated press accidentily had a "subliminal message" in one of their sentences about a suicide bombings in Israel (talk about revisingDragonlordgod said:Glad that you will not write anymore nonsence/framing (CP), not to say all was nonsence. We did have Typos on our redesigned site. As we stated on our news page. And you helped us catch them. I thank you for that. And hope you enjoy HD and your new hosts.
Cya! :banned:
URL? URL to my website? My website is still under maintenance due to fatal php errorsXcel_Hosting said:Now that you have decided to revisit HD, what is your URL?
I perfectly know where you are going. But may I add that, after I get the maintenance of my site up I have in mind of becoming a webhost reseller of RWH to help myself raise money to buy parts needed to build myself a gamers computerXcel_Hosting said:Thanks. A client URL is always useful because you can see the true performance of the servers. Some hosts are a bit tricky and host their own sites somewhere and client sites somewhere else.
Dragonlordgod said:We did not spam you. Didn't I explain this to you before? You never even used our services before, so we could not be your bad lists. Just like if someone uses your services to spam. It's not your problem. It's the client's problem. You never used our services, so this review is :crash:. Do not make comments about our host, when you do not know the situation and have not used your services before. This could easily happen to anyone.
This isnt my problem to respond, but we are supporting him because some inconsiderates are trying to pointlessly ruin RWH's reputation causing them to most likely close down. And the valued clients who have used RWH for a long period of time do not want these things to occur. And the reason why I havent ever come here before was because I never heard of hostingdiscussion.comBlue said:How does someone not using your services have anything to do with you spamming them?
Why do you mislead people about your "datacenter"
Where did these people come from who have never posted here before but suddenly came here to support you?
There are a lot of questions to be answered from this thread. Instead of being defensive why not address some of them. It would make you look a little more professional and perhaps give people confidence in your company.
You are absolutely right for that, and I agree with you. But if it hadn't occurred to you that it has happened where one childish bad review happens, a whole argument can start. If you had heard of the saying "Give him a inch and he'll take a mile" you'll understand exactly where I am getting at. If anything stands in the way of something I use and greatful that RWH's services even exists, as childish as the review may be, it still matters. And Berry had no experiences with RWH therefore couldnt possibly had any reason at all posting such an "experience".Xcel_Hosting said:I don't see any of the information of this thread as anybody purposely trying to ruin a company's reputation. An honest potential client posted experiences. Take them for what they're worth. Any company that can't accept a bad review as a chance for change and improvement, doesn't have much of a future.
In this thread, Berry was asking for experiences, not giving one. Berry simply wanted to hear what other people had to say about this host.And Berry had no experiences with RWH therefore couldnt possibly had any reason at all posting such an "experience".
I had simply used what Xcel_Hosting had said as a replyment:webfreak08 said:In this thread, Berry was asking for experiences, not giving one. Berry simply wanted to hear what other people had to say about this host.
Xcel_Hosting said:An honest potential client posted experiences.
Quotes do always prove points. In my say, RWH has not failed in delivering "the pres-sales stage" upon Berry. Berry simply is a childish fool who is simply irritated that a US webhosting company only accepts and uses PayPal for obvious reasons. Hadn't Berry gotten irritated and decided to "get back" at RWH by posting unreasonable posts to make him "feel special" inside. IF Berry had simply requested that RWH to support 2checkout then this problem would've been resolved. But instead of the fact, Berry took his way in a negative way. No wrong can make a right, and what Berry has did was wrong. He didn't gain anything from this and most likely never will by the way he is taking this burden.Xcel_Hosting said:Berry certainly did have experience with the RWH. Maybe not the services in particular, but that is not all that matters in a business. The communication between client (or potential client) and employee is vital to the success of a sale or business as a whole. The pre-sales stage of business is just as important as delivering the product and it appears that the company has failed in that respect in this particular case. Again, this is a learning opportunity. I don't see this as damaging to the company's reputation as one bad review can only go so far. One bad word out of a hundred doesn't mean that a host will fail. Hosts get bad reviews all of the time. It is impossible to please everybody. As Bill Cosby said, "I don't know the key to sucess, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody". (This is one of my favorite quotes and has proved to be true time and time again)
p3s0n said:You are absolutely right for that, and I agree with you. But if it hadn't occurred to you that it has happened where one childish bad review happens, a whole argument can start. If you had heard of the saying "Give him a inch and he'll take a mile" you'll understand exactly where I am getting at.
p3s0n said:And the reason why I havent ever come here before was because I never heard of