the most popular domain registrar

I would have to say that Godaddy, is The most popular Registrar, Although I prefer Namecheap/enom and use or have used multiple different registrars they are all good in their own way. But as far as size and amount of registered domains godaddy by far is the most popular
For the domain registrar information you may find
bluehost, godaddy, ipmirror,

MOD NOTE: Edited for self-promotion content.
In my opinion Namecheap and Godaddy is top ranked domain registration in whole world, who deal in all type of gTLDs (Generic Level Top Domains), ccTLDs (Country Code Domain Names) and all regional domains.
No funny but Brand awareness. Everyone knows what GoDaddy is and what they do, even though the name does not reflects what they do.
No funny but Brand awareness. Everyone knows what GoDaddy is and what they do, even though the name does not reflects what they do.

Not everyone, When I was younger I went to Godaddy to register a domain and had another tab open on my computer. My dad came into my room and saw GoDaddy.

Well in short, he was surprised that it is a domain registrar.
Not everyone, When I was younger I went to Godaddy to register a domain and had another tab open on my computer. My dad came into my room and saw GoDaddy.

Well in short, he was surprised that it is a domain registrar.

but everyone in the industry know Go Daddy and what they are.

just like Walmart is that a place where you buy walls.

Its all to do with Branding and Marketing
Not everyone, When I was younger I went to Godaddy to register a domain and had another tab open on my computer. My dad came into my room and saw GoDaddy.

Well in short, he was surprised that it is a domain registrar.

The company was originally called Jomax Technologies. The owner wanted something more catchy/memorable and changed it to Go Daddy in 1999. They were just doing hosting at the time. (Before that they had financial software -- Quickbooks -- which was sold to Intuit)

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