How About livezilla ?

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LiveZilla, the Next Generation Live Help / Live Support System connects you to your website visitors i think is very good for support. :thumbup:

take a look them and this is the download :

putdomain need to install this for service our 1400 costumers, we bored at yahoo messenger, buzz and buzz always happend if any trouble ticket unclosed via whmcs :sad:
I'm not too fond of the latest incarnation of LiveZilla. The most recent update released in April blocks the last quad of an IP number from operator view. Also, there's some flood filtering installed which can't be undone.

Why this is bad? When a user comes to us asking if their IP is blocked, we were able to look it up quickly while they were in chat. Now they have to go to a website to find out their IP so we can look it up. Time consuming for the technically challenged user. The flood protection, while a nice feature under normal conditions, unfortuatnely means if a user can't connect for whatever reason and repeatedly hits the Live Chat option (lets say they're getting dropped due to poor packet connection from Asia) - it automatically thinks they're trying to flood the Live Chat with requests and blocks the IP nubmer in a permanent ban list. The client must then open a support ticket complaining that we blocked them from live help, and we then must unblock the IP. Previously, this was not automated, and allowed our staff the option to ban an IP if it was needed, but with 100% automation, it's not good.

I'd downgrade back to the older version, however there were some security updates in the new one that are needed. Hopefully they make some edits on their new release when that comes out.

Good program (could use the option for server operators to log out other server operators if they're not there) - currently if "bob" logs in and doesn't know it, there's no way to log him out. Talk about a PITA when the guy is gone for the weekend and forgot to log out of chat!
The most recent update released in April blocks the last quad of an IP number from operator view.

You can deactivate that blocking. According to Livezilla FAQ:

This is done in order to comply with data privacy regulations and requirements of some countries. If your country allows to save IP addresses you can deactivate the function: LiveZilla Server Admin -> Server Configuration -> Security -> Mask IP addresses.
Never used it because I used to own a mac only, but now I'm using a Windows laptop, I might look into it, it does look good.
LiveZilla's excellent in comparison to the more expensive alternatives. The companies I've been apart of found it to be a fantastic piece of software, myself included.
I'm not too fond of the latest incarnation of LiveZilla. The most recent update released in April blocks the last quad of an IP number from operator view.
I completely agree with Conor once again.
I actually do like LiveZilla however I cannot use it. I do not run Windows on my desktops and they only have a windows client. I currently use CraftySyntax Live. Its free but they also accept donations.
I've used livezilla, and to be honest I'm not to thrilled with it. We've recently switched to SupportSuite and love it.

The biggest drawback I have seen to Livezilla is that it is a resource hog. We've had to reboot our server a few times because LZ always took the majority of the CPU, especially when you get user tracking, and things like that going.
Livezilla is an excellent tool particularly with it's Free price. The only lacking that we need that we have from our previous paid live chat is the web based operator console, but I read it somewhere that this is will be in the future release very very soon.. Five start to livezilla!

webbycart I second that! I'd give then 100% for the amazing tool! It's helped us gain many customers and I am very grateful to the creators of this amazing piece of software!

I'm not too fond of the latest incarnation of LiveZilla. The most recent update released in April blocks the last quad of an IP number from operator view.
Yes, but if you go to the Live Zilla Server Admin then go to security, you can select weather you want "Mask IP Addresses" or not.
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It's a good choice for webhosts that want to manage the server portion of the live chat software; though it runs only under PHP... correct? Or does it run under ASP/ASP.NET?
It's not bad software i used it for a while then i switched to a different software because i was offered something better.
I dropped it when my PCI Compliance scan failed due to its scripts. It only takes one of those to make me chuck software. :)
We currently use LiveZilla on our site. I will say its a great piece of software that's free and better then most paid Chat systems. However, LiveZilla is not the best out there of course and does lack many things and has its flaws like all free and paid software.

So if you can deal with the lil things like only PC and other things its a great piece of software and I recommend it to anyone.