why is it so?

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Want to know the opinion of this honorable community about the following: gazzin.com offers free trial period only on their Linux reselling unlike Windows one. But why is it so?
Does anybody have ideas?
Maybe they're trying to get more people to use the Linux? A lot more people are familiar with Windows already so they don't need to encourage it. You could always ask them if they would consider a trial for you in Windows.
I would assume that its a licensing thing. They probably don't want to license a trial machine for windows. But they can easily setup a trial linux box with no licensing cost for the O/S.
Licensing and their other, associated costs are the most likely reasons why they offer free trial periods on their Linux hosting, but not on their Windows hosting. The costs for Windows OS for a hosting server is higher than for Linux OS - even if they use a commercial version of Linux.

You could always just ask them why they're not offering the trial period on Windows, and if they'd be willing to offer you a free trial period on Windows. The worst they can say is "no".
Multiple of reasons, as others have mentioned earlier...could be because of licensing, marketing, margins, server security...
I would simply ask why as I am sure there is a valid reason behind this.
As mentioned there are a lot of reasons why this offer is not being extended to their Windows plans.
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