Who is listed at findmyhost.com ?

the way he spams they may have just added them hosts to make their site look good and attract others so they can harvest emails to send their newsletters etc. as if you read through this thread it seems this is all that happens

Huh, that's kind of a clever trick. I imagine it won't last long though...
Basically a directory and pay for link. The old days of listing in directories, link farms, paying for links are gone. Do yourself a favour and concentrate on a content heavy site with well written content that gets added to on a weekly basis.
just got this SPAMMED support ticket

A new support ticket has been opened.

Client: Richard Guzzo
Department: Pre-Sales
Subject: Get exposure on our hosting directory.. (action required)
Priority: Medium

For a limited time FindMyHost.com is accepting a select few Web Hosting Companies to Apply for our Approved Host program.

Testing spots are very limited and not every Web Host will be accepted.

If you wish your company to be reviewed by our professional editors’ simply click the link below to submit your company before all testing spots are taken. We only require your permission to conduct testing of your services; nothing else is required on your end for our editors’.


Application for the program costs NOTHING and only Web Hosts who respond quickly will be given a testing spot. After our limit has been reached, the application process will close and re-open on a yet to be determined date.

Our review process is very thorough and your company will be showcased on our network with a full report card. Our web host report cards are very popular with consumers and it’s sure to drive customers to your business.

Once your company review is completed, you will be listed on the FindMyHost.com network AT NO COST and your review will be made public to over 450,000+ unique visitors every month.


IP Address:
They don't reply to you fast, that's for sure. They might have a high amount of work, who knows. I actually have a friend that got approved there. I didn't applied yet. My friend has no phone support, and therefore he wasn't called. Only support ticket testing. It's not THAT hard to get approved. They're just a bit fancy, pretentious, that's all.