WHMAutoPilot or ModernBill

AustinS said:
I would personally go with WhmAutoPilot, because its cheaper, and easy to operate than modernbill. However, If you offer VPS, and Dedicated Servers it could be a hassle.

WHM AutoPilot actually has a feature for dedicated servers. It would be a pain to use WHM AutoPilot for VPS however..

We use WHMAutoPilot and have found this software excellent to work with. It's easy to setup and change features, however we are currently looking into buying MordenBill.

The main reason I use WHMAutoPilot is because my staff find this best to use. However MordenBill will be installed soon :thankyou:

I have seen the demo of MordenBill and do highley recommend this billing system. What I have seen from it at the moment look's great :dance:
CMTHosting said:

We use WHMAutoPilot and have found this software excellent to work with. It's easy to setup and change features, however we are currently looking into buying MordenBill.

The main reason I use WHMAutoPilot is because my staff find this best to use. However MordenBill will be installed soon :thankyou:

I have seen the demo of MordenBill and do highley recommend this billing system. What I have seen from it at the moment look's great :dance:

I definately recommend switching to ModernBill. It will be a change you won't regret.
Currently using MB but testing WHMAP, MB has many bugs that the support team don't seem interested in.

All they say is put in a defect tracker, that isn't going to help me accept CC's (it doesn't accept ANY number ) and send out welcome emails.
eglim said:
Yes, ClientExec is a cheap solution but not have enough features like ModernBill or WHMAP or lpanel have.

I used Client Exec and i felt the same way. ModernBill is a very deep panel and I would go ModernBill over WHMAutoPilot anyday.

Right now I use AWBS and it works well for our needs.
Modernbill is great tool, It does take a while to get used to, Especially if you have been using WHMAP.
Modernbill all the way :thumbup: worked wonders. :dance:

I saw your new ModernBill order form template, it looks very nice. Good job!


As for Modern Bill vs. WHM Auto Pilot, I would personally go for Modern Bill. Modern Bill is not the easiest thing to configure at first, but once you have it working it can do wonders. Their new version is supposed to have a lot of features and should be a lot easier to configure as well. Modern Bill can also be integrated with popular support ticket systems therefore, it can become an all-in-one solution.

I just switched from ClientExec to ModernBill and it is great. ClientExec didn't have all the features and was slow to bring new features to the table, in my opinion.

I hope that you have found a solution for yourself by now. As you can see, as of today August 11, 2005 newbies are still trying to post to it. For anyone else who is looking for billing software Modern Bill is the way to go.

Note: Look at the dates of the original post. Many post are recycled several times.
I would suggest Modernbill rather than WHMAutopilot because modernbill is more user friendly and WHMAutopilot is a beginners choice when it comes to ease of use, and having the basic tools any webhost needs while modernbill is the choice of established hosts who need advanced features including fraud protection.
I'd say Modernbill as well. The pain of installing it is definitely worth it. It integrates with so many different programs such as FraudCall and FraudGuardian, and yes, they do work. I think that Modernbill has become the CPanel of billing software. I would also suggest getting Cerberus integrated with it, even the free version for a more robust trouble ticket system. I am planning on doing that.