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yesUnsplash is great but you do need to check their licensing carefully as it has changed a few times recently and is a bit more restrictive than it used to be.
They have also recently been acquired by Getty, and while they say it won't change anything, it's worth keeping an eye on as well.
what annoys me is when companies use other people's images to deceive us.Google images is actually still quite bad at recognizing the same images, you can do this by reverse searching with google image and then with tineye and you will see the difference.
I have read recently that using the same images on websites, irrespective of the name will start counting as same content when it comes to SEO. Not sure how much effect that has as a flipped cropped sometimes even just renamed image escapes Google reverse image search ( and I'm not sure if this is what they use to search images per say) .
Of course, I have no doubt they will improve this, then penalize websites for duplicate content, and also at the same time start selling their own stock photos.
My advice get a phone take some images we have great phones these days and that can do well just need a bit of a creative eye for photography. To me, sites that did that always seemed to perform better in search and also just plain conversions anyway, just something real about it.
I hear you I've seen it a lot too.what annoys me is when companies use other people's images to deceive us.
recently I was looking for a child's firefighter outfit and found one on notthehighstreet personalised for £29.99 (not bad I thought), but then I spotted the exact same item on Amazon with personalised name for £18, but then I noticed it was the exact same image, and when I looked closer at the personalised one, you could see the personalised name was placed over the child's hair, so they just copied the amazon image and added a name badge to it, to me this is just a rip off
worst i see when you need a new logo for a website, you see all these 'create a free logo' websites, so you spend ages creating the perfect logo, but then when you finish you have to pay $30+ to download or use it otherwise it is watermarked, although some of the watermarks are that poor that these can be removed in any editing softwareI hear you I've seen it a lot too.
Now look im no angel when it comes to this I do it when I have to but avoid it when I can.
It just violates the trust that's why I said I'd rather have a camera image that you can clean up in photoshop if you're not the greatest photographer. You better watermark that though because I've seen guys pay big money for product photoshoots to have all those images scraped and used on Chinese sites and amazon.
Yes and it really just a new boy on the block as its only been around since 2016Don't recall if this site has been mentioned yet, but I recently stumbled upon Pxhere. Tons of great images
Free for personal and commercial use
No attribution required
LOL. Do you know how many people come to us after having designed their logo after they get tricked like that? Also the same with something we call Shopify not sure if you guys have it in your parts of the world easy shop site builder, you spend time building your website and once you want to go live or start adding functionality you have to buy that functionality monthly, for life. Also another type of client we get a lot. Note: ( Our currency is not great against the Dollar so maybe in the US and countries with better currencies it's a viable option. )worst i see when you need a new logo for a website, you see all these 'create a free logo' websites, so you spend ages creating the perfect logo, but then when you finish you have to pay $30+ to download or use it otherwise it is watermarked, although some of the watermarks are that poor that these can be removed in any editing software
i never pay for these so-called free logos as some are far too easy to remove their weak watermarks. I did get logos from 1 site where all he asked was a link back to his site, but he had packed in nowLOL. Do you know how many people come to us after having designed their logo after they get tricked like that? Also the same with something we call Shopify not sure if you guys have it in your parts of the world easy shop site builder, you spend time building your website and once you want to go live or start adding functionality you have to buy that functionality monthly, for life. Also another type of client we get a lot. Note: ( Our currency is not great against the Dollar so maybe in the US and countries with better currencies it's a viable option. )
PS didn't know about pxhere looks great bookmarked thanks steve !!