What special features do customers look for in shared hosting?

Most customers look for some main features when they want to host in a shared hosting platform.
1. Price
2. Unlimited Diskspace
3. One click installer
4.Unlimited Bandwidth
5. Unlimited Domains
6. Free SSL.
What users look is :

Cheaper price
reviews online
use of interface

what you need to be focused is on support

the combination will yield you best results

good luck
Price is not a feature.

When it comes to shared hosting, this is what I would pay close attention to:

⏤ server load (hopefully it's not too heavy)
⏤ whether the drives are SSD
⏤ sufficient traffic
⏤ fast connectivity to where most of my clients are
⏤ support

My absolutely #1 reason to sign up with a provider would come down to tech support. It has to be proactive and top notch. For the most part, that also happens to be the only differentiating factor between hosting companies nowadays.
Support and speed of support are the number 1 people should look for.

If they have live chat then submit a simple question that you already know the answer too and see how long it take them to answer and if they give the correct answer.
Do the same with a pre sales ticket (different question that you know the answer too)

If they are on ball then you should expect a reply/answer within 1 hr if they offer 24/7 support. If they dont reply after 2 hrs then i would simple look elsewhere
Shared hosting has changed a lot in the last 15 years. Since we're on the front line dealing with clients from a Web Design perspective, they often lean on us to make the decision for them. Customers care about only one thing - is the website online.

As some focused in SEO, I care about two things; uptime and speed.

Price rarely enters the equation. I spend $80/month for hosting while I know I can get it for $10 - so why do I spend 8 times the price that most hosts charge? Speed, Uptime and Support Response times.

I rarely need support these days, usually only when there's a server conflict or I need access to raw logs to troubleshoot an issue, so it all comes down to speed and uptime.

One feature that many hosts are missing these days is automatic image compression, ability to provide webP images on the fly, and access to a fast CDN. While Cloudflare has done well for many people, I still look to standalone CDN type systems to handle some of the heavy liftings.

The majority of clients that we work with have never cared about price. But then these are also clients that have hired a designer to build their site and not build it themselves (or they did build it themselves and need to upgrade to a more robust design).

The number one reason people like GoDaddy or Bluehost is price.

The number one reason that many people don't like GoDaddy or Bluehost is website speed. The number two reason? Support.

If you can get your server and site delivery speeds up, you can quickly command a higher price, and people are more than willing to pay it.

Clients rarely care about the number of email addresses, forwarders, databases, quick install systems to install 100+ Softwares or unlimited disk space.
Shared hosting has indeed changed a ton in the last 15 years. I've really only had one client that cared about hosting prices and they found out the hard way why going with providers like Bluehost or GoDaddy wasn't in their best interest. I'd actually put support as number one, but speed does matter.
I have been using Shared Hosting almost on all of my blogs. The reason is that they are cheaper and also they are the best affordable hosting services for low traffic blogs.
In Thailand most customers are looking for these in shared hosting.

1. Cheap price but their websites should load fast enough
2. Easy to use web control panel
3. One click installer with free CMS installation
4. Good service and 24/7 support
5. Free SSL with free installation
What do you think are the special features in shared web hosting that most customers are looking for?

I have no idea. And people, who are looking for shared hosting has no idea either, I think. If they find someone on search results page no. 1, they have heard that name at least once and the price is low enough, they get it. More advanced users behave quite differently, but that's another topic.
Some special features which customers look for in Shared Hosting are -
  • Unlimited Disk Space and Bandwidth
  • Multiple Website Hosting
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Additional Resources
Some special features which customers look for in Shared Hosting are -
  • Unlimited Disk Space and Bandwidth
  • Multiple Website Hosting
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Additional Resources
The highlighted part is impossible with shared hosting as Shared Hosting is for single website hosting only, for Multiple Website Hosting you would need a minimum of reseller hosting
Mainly uptime, disk space, price, and add-ons such as CloudLinux, LiteSpeed, and some other add-ons/plugins.

They also ask us for Free SSL.
I don't ever recall a shared hosting prospect ever asking for CloudLinux or LiteSpeed.
same here as both Cloudlinux and Litespeed are VPS/Dedicated server installs and a lot of hosting providers offering shared hosting are run from reseller plans who won't have root access to install Cloudlinux and Litespeed
While there are numerous shared hosting plans available, here is what you should look for in a good shared hosting plan:
  1. SSL Certificate for free.
  2. Technical Support That Is Unparalleled.
  3. There are no bandwidth restrictions.
  4. Hosting for multiple websites.
  5. Money back guarantee for 30 days.
  6. Email addresses are included.
  7. Help with the Knowledgebase.
  8. Free Movement.
The highlighted part is impossible with shared hosting as Shared Hosting is for single website hosting only, for Multiple Website Hosting you would need a minimum of reseller hosting
In terms of having multiple websites hosted in their own accounts, you're correct, but you can with many providers host multiple websites in one shared hosting account such as addon domains for cPanel etc.
In terms of having multiple websites hosted in their own accounts, you're correct, but you can with many providers host multiple websites in one shared hosting account such as addon domains for cPanel etc.
yes, but most will restrict how many addon domains you can have, addon domains are only really for the main account holder and not for you to provide accounts for others, this si where you need a reseller account. personally, i don't like addon domains, i like to have a separate account for every domain i have.
From our experience the main features are:
- price
- 24/7 technical support
- unlimited bandwidth
- free migration
- trial
And do not forget about control panel usability; it has to be so simple, a drunk person could use it ;):giggle:
For small wordpress blogs, diskspace and BW don't matter much. Bandwidth, diskspace come into consideration afterwards.

First things first 90 % of shared hosting clients are looking for only two things,
1) A panel which they are familiar with (cpanel) so their preexisting website gets uploaded without any hassle.
2) A one click installer like softaculous so their new site gets up and running immediately.

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