What is the best Domain Extension after .com ?

I've always preferred .net. Not sure why, but I enjoy that extension. For business, obviously .com but for everything I like .net
If .com is unavailable, I opt for .net, .xyz, or .org.

In the absence of nationality restrictions, I am fond of using .ca, .us, .io, .eu, .in, .au, and .nl.
The choice of the best domain extension after .com depends on your specific needs and goals. There are several domain extensions (also known as top-level domains or TLDs) to choose from, and the best one for you will vary based on your website's purpose, business and target audience.

If you are just looking for the next most used alternative or popular alternative then it must be .net

If your website is country specific and are willing to target audience of a specific country then there are domain extensions with country code TLDs like .us .co.uk, .ca, .au

Good Luck with your venture.
org: Typically used by non-profit organizations.
.net: Originally meant for networking or internet-related websites, but now used for a wide range of purposes.
.co: Originally intended for Colombian websites but has gained global popularity and is often used as an alternative to .com. It is also considered for the company name.
.io: Originally intended for websites related to the British Indian Ocean Territory, but gained popularity among tech startups and tech-related websites.
.biz: Typically used for business or commercial websites.
The best domain extension after .com depends on the nature of your website. For global reach, consider .net or .org. If targeting a specific geographic location, country-specific extensions like .co.uk or .de may be suitable. Newer extensions like .io are popular for tech startups, while .app is ideal for mobile apps and software.
There isn't really a "best", it depends on your circumstance... Most widely used is ".com", ".net", ".org", but most TLDs have meanings...

com - commercial
co.uk - UK businesses
org - organization

There's a few examples, but in the context of a hosting company... All of the above could be considered!
I have always believed that there is no "best" option. Sure, ideally you wold want a .com as this is what people know. In my opinion, weather you have a .net or a .info it comes down to marketing. Think about cPanel they have a .net, and are well branded

My thoughts anyways.
At the end of the day, even a country TLD may be a better option than .COM, if you are primarily focused on serving a local market.

Besides SEO benefits, you may find that it is easier to get a much better domain than within the .COM range.
It's fully depends on your business model. If you are a tech company, you can use .io/.net, if you need regional clients you can use country specific domains, for artificial intelligence you can use .ai, for organisations you can use .org.
You are asking about the "best" top level domain, but you need to consider that answering this question is impossible without knowing what it is you are looking for. Best in terms of being the most popular? Best in terms of SEO acceptance? Best in terms of long-term value and resale? Best for web hosting? Best for a personal blog website?

Obviously .com is still very much the king in terms of all of the above (except personal usage). And .net, .org, .info, .us, .biz have been around so long that they have accumulated a large number of registrations. .net is still the next best thing after .com in most cases.

Whether .info or .org is best for your business? Doubt it.

You also touched on hundreds of extensions, which means you also refer to new global TLDs that appeared on the market in recent months and years. I suggest looking at sites like https://ntldstats.com/tld and https://namestat.org/ to grasp which extensions proven to be more popular over this time. However, you'd also see .xyz closer to top on the list, which is one domain to definitely stay away from.

Now, in my perspective, the better all-around domains out of the ngTLDs would be .co, .site, .io, .online is not bad also, except it is longer to type.

PS: The hosting industry has two specific gTLDs to choose from: .host and .hosting
I was just going to say who says .com is the best domain extension.

As Artashes spoke of there is a massive preference by google to serve local TLD so from a SEO perspective .com may not always be right for you.

Secondly IMO the domain extension can also build trust. Id rather work with a .co.za company because I know they are local, if I were to look for a say building company.

Then on the other side of the coin when i see websites with .io or .ai the tech nerd in me loves it, it becomes part of the brand image.

"The best" is use case dependant and needs to take into consideration the above mentioned and much more.
How, no guarantees as you could be in Australia and buy a .uk domain. Just like i am in uk and could get a .au domain
I think you misunderstood me it was an example of wat would be good for me, but yes if you're in the UK or Aus. if the local market is your target then it may suit you better to get the local extension.

Its all case dependant. I know some people that don't want the local extension because it limits international and they operate in different countries. So then a .com may work be better. I also work with people who don't reside in country X but they buy country Xs domain so they can sell there.
I think you misunderstood me it was an example of wat would be good for me, but yes if you're in the UK or Aus. if the local market is your target then it may suit you better to get the local extension.

Its all case dependant. I know some people that don't want the local extension because it limits international and they operate in different countries. So then a .com may work be better. I also work with people who don't reside in country X but they buy country Xs domain so they can sell there.
I normally buy .co.uk or .uk along with .com and direct them to the same website