Account Disabled
Unfortunately, I don't give money away for free, but I'm more than happy to pay or donate for work done.
If you have something creative, or something that you think I could use, I'm open to discussion. Drop me a PM here on the forums and we can chat.
I hear ya man; I was just messing around.

What I was hoping with the company is to do more webdesign. I having been "Filly-Fartin'" around with WordPress for 6 years now. I know my way around that software very well. I was hoping to snag a few web design jobs for a few WordPress blogs. I don't know if you are aware of it or not. But, not only is WordPress a piece of blogging software, it also makes an excellent CMS. Which you can see over on my Business site.
Anyhow, I figured I could lure a few businesses into me designing them a company website with blog and make some money at it, and with that, I could invest in the licensing for the WHMCS software. I have been advertising on Craigslist locally, but so far, no bites. The economy and so forth.

Cool thing is, anymore, WordPress free templates are a dime a dozen, and if you're looking for a particular theme; chances are, someone has already designed a theme for it. Pay themes are an option too and I would pass that onto the customer.
As for it crashing or making a server freak out. I am very aware of with what works on the back end for WordPress and what does not. I have a regular list of "must runs" for WordPress plugins.
In short, I'm not looking to put anyone else outta business. I'd just like my own share of the pie.

Also too, I could see investing with that license and all, if I had a few people telling me, "I'd get your hosting, if you had auto signup..." But I don't have any, so there's no guarantee at all. I just do not want to be tossing money away...
Anyhow, that's my :twocents: