What CPU for your dedicated?


Well-known member

quick question,

what CPU would you use for your dedicated server? And why...?
(Post & Poll :D)
AMD indeed gets hot mostly. But if proper cooling fans and heat sinks It works really good. Besides Intel is a old fellow and does works without any problem.
Furton said:
AMD, but I have no reason except I don't like Intel:D
Why don't you like Intel?

People say they don't like something, but don't state why. If you really don't like it, don't you want to convince the rest no to like it as well ;) ?
I would choose Intel over AMD every time.

That goes for any PC or dedicated server.

AMD gets hot because it has a poor design.

AMD cost less because they cut corners.

If you want a Cadillac you don't buy a beetle. ;-)


definately intel for a dual box - but the amds are really hearty cpus for a single box. they are less expensive too.

I have had good luck with them .
I'd have to also say Intel.
The AMD seems to just heat up too much.

Plus a lot of clients prefer Intel, especially if you have wicked a Dual Intel Xeon 2.4GHz processor! :P
I'd go with Intel if it's a dual the 512kb chips are pretty good. If it was a 1ghz server - go with a duron - had one of those running with a very good load for the best part of a year - no problem at all.
<< If it was a 1ghz server - go with a duron - had one of those running with a very good load for the best part of a year - no problem at all. >>

Yeah, but when RackShack offered their AMD Duron's with 1GHz, they stopped offering more since they were over-heating. I know this myself since I e-mailed them AGES back when they only had Plesk and they said this, so it looks like even the big boys think Intel is better? :confused:
Ah, nice.

Glad it worked out for you. :)

In the beginning, DV2 seemed really great for everyone - but since then they have had a lot of problems unfortunately, and a lot of people have actually left them.

Although, due to that a lot of people also don't want to go to a company who has servers at DV2. :eek:
Everyone has problems - Look at NAC, dednow, burst - they used to have good reviews, then they had problems. I've been there 18 months now at DV2 - we have problems but the service is damn good for the price, and they are very helpful. I have built up a great business relationship with them.

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