What client system do you use?

I've always been a big fan of WHMCS. It's very flexible and extendable. Support is usually good (recently it's been a different story). We've used it for years and offer it to our customers on some hosting packages who also like it a lot too.

We've recently started building our own which we plan to phase out WHMCS in the process. Since our rapid growth over the last year, we find some of the things we want to offer is going to be prohibited by WHMCS. Especially with all of the security issues and WHMCS that has also further made us wary about continuing on their platform.

yes the recent support issues with WHMCS is a concern along with the failed 5.1.2 version (luck we have not upgraded).
If it was not for the fact that we have spent hundreds of ££ on WHMCS mods/addons etc. then we would have moved to another software provider
yes the recent support issues with WHMCS is a concern along with the failed 5.1.2 version (luck we have not upgraded).
If it was not for the fact that we have spent hundreds of ££ on WHMCS mods/addons etc. then we would have moved to another software provider

A lot of people share the same predicament as you (including us).

The problem is that we don't want to rely on any other provider for security. I would rather lose a couple hundred or even thousands dollars/pounds/<insert currency here> than put any customer information, credit card information, or server information at risk. Having that information exposed just costs you exponentially more money than switching in the first place.
It's really expensive to build our own solution but I feel that is the first big step toward security independence.
I use v5.1.2 I have like 3 small problem that I report to Matt @ whmcs and they fixed it :)

If we rank WHMCS, clientexec, hostbill, accountlab plus I will give the 1st place to WHMCS, it is really a best billing application.
2nd - clientexec, 3- hostbill, 4- accountlab plus. I have used all four billing applications.
Are you using WHMCS, ClientExec, or other? What do you like about that one?

I would personally prefer WHMCS over any other system, however, we are currently using in-house developed client system, which we are offering free of cost to our resellers to gather more feedback and suggestions.
I have been using WHMCS for at least 4 years that I can think of.

It is very important to pick something for the long term since you will have so many clients and content in it eventually.

WHMCS is the standard in the hosting industry. It is actually partnered with cPanel the #1 hosting panel in the industry.

Another reason to choose them is the fact that they are very well tested so you know it is secure. You have tons of users using it and tons of hackers attacking it trying to find a hole. So it is well tested tried and true.
we use WHMCS at this time , however we are developing our own solution because we are incorporating a reseller level into the billing system.
This will allow our resellers to upload a logo, click a few boxes and be running instantly.
I wanted a license plugin for WHMCS so it would work the same way with just adding a license to the reseller account but they never got back to me.
WHMCS hands down! I have been a user of WHMCS for years. I left WHMCS several times to try other clients like PHPCoin, ClientExec, WHMAP and several others only to come right back to WHMCS and to be a lifetime lover!

I mean.. honestly, it's feature packed and has everything you need and more!
We use WHMCS and I have been a lifetime member of WHMCS and have a 'Monthly' license. I would like to say that WHMCS has worked well with my company and I am a 'Full Service' technology solutions provider and I do everything from VOIP services to web design, web hosting to dedicated servers and also sell products and software licenses. It's a great product!
I have billed people for computer repairs, technical support issues related to computer learning and software issues, and web development. It is geared toward hosting so it is a little awkward at first.

I have been eyeing Blesta as they have a nice platform and nice security built into the billing manager. I have modules that are WHMCS only that I rely on for sales and automation, so I don't think I can just up and ditch it completely.