What accounting software do you use?

Before I sold my hosting company, part of the evaluation included exports to Excel etc. While they only required the previous 2 years in the export, we had a full export since our startup back in 95/96.

If someone came to me today and needed to know what invoice XXX was, or an export of all purchases by a particular client - I'm pretty sure I could get that export. Also had quarterly exports of every account on each sever (CSV export from WHM).

Programs are nice, but Excel and Google Docs can be quite powerful (for record keeping) - I've always used other software for accounting.
Programs are nice, but Excel and Google Docs can be quite powerful (for record keeping) - I've always used other software for accounting.

i built my whole accounting system in excel. I could not see the point in spending money on accounting software, when i could create my own in a few hours.
i built my whole accounting system in excel. I could not see the point in spending money on accounting software, when i could create my own in a few hours.

Comes down to how much you value your time at and how long it'll take to complete in excel. With a smaller company, sure, Excel all the way right. But when you're dealing with tens of thousands on a monthly basis it would actually be more cost effective to use an account system (assuming you value yourself at a reasonable rate).
Comes down to how much you value your time at and how long it'll take to complete in excel. With a smaller company, sure, Excel all the way right. But when you're dealing with tens of thousands on a monthly basis it would actually be more cost effective to use an account system (assuming you value yourself at a reasonable rate).

It also depends on your business as yes you could use Sage that will do everything for you, but if you dont use all the features then it is expensive software.

If i had to start using an accounts package then i would chose Sage as i know a couple of management staff with them and if i have problems then it is just a 10 min trip to their offices.
spreadsheets are set up quarterly and a Profit and Loss report created annually and then annual accounts spreadsheets are saved on a disc and on a flashdrive ( so giving 2 saved copies) then again saved on an external HDD and a hard copy printed.
then the disc and flashdrive along with printed accounts and all invoices/receipts are placed in box files and stored away.
The external HDD is then placed in a safe

So in the end, you have 48 copies for any given month or period. Hey why not. Backup Backup and Backup the Backup :)
So in the end, you have 48 copies for any given month or period. Hey why not. Backup Backup and Backup the Backup :)

where do you get 48 copies per month from.

i have 3 saved copies ( Disc, Flashdrive and ext. HDD) and 1 printed copy for any given period.
Our billing system produces what we need, but it is all exported to excel for the accountants to sign off.
As for back copies, I must have quite a few.
at the moment our company mostly uses whmcs for hosting operations, but in near future we are planning in making some changes
Well, there are multiple choice for an accounting software but as far as I am concerned, I think the best accounting software is Quickbooks since it has number of benefits such as:

1. It is best for each size of businesses.
2. It has easy-to-use software that is customer oriented
3. It can assist you to maintain your taxes effortlessly
4. It is constantly improving.
5. It is quickly growing and their expectation is to reach more than ten million of dynamic clients sooner.
6. It offers value-for-money.
I do use QuickBooks for my business which is manufactured by Intuit and the best thing about QuickBooks is its ability to integrate with other programs.
We are using WHMCS but now we are building our own billing portal just to freeup from whmcs.

Once that is done we will upload everything on github . So you will be free to make changes according to your need.

using WHMCS right now but still looking for something new because everyone using that i want't something new behind the market

hope it will launch soon

update once it will complete
also hope its less in price :)
WHMCS / Hostbill are billing packages, not true accounting packages. We use Hostbill because of the feature such as IPAM, configuration into the Cisco switches, etc .. for our Accounting we use quickbooks, Hostbill actually has the ability to connect to quickbooks, but we do not use it. We keep it seperate
WHMCS / Hostbill are CLIENT MANAGEMENT platforms they ARE NOT accountancy software.
If you dont know the difference then running any business is the wrong thing for you.

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