VPS hosting

VPS stays more close to a dedicated server because you will be having root access and more control over the server. You can install and run any custom software you would like to use in the server which is supported by the operating system.
shared hosting you have NO control when it comes to security or what software you have access too.
VPS you control all aspects of the server and decide what software you install for the enduser to have use of and you are in control of securing the server. If you are new to VPS then it is best to get a managed VPS so you have the help of your server provider.
If you are new to VPS then it is best to get a managed VPS so you have the help of your server provider.

Definitely agree.

Have seen many a customer have issues as they were unaware that they needed to update and patch their VPS.

May hosts, ourselves included, may offer a Semi Managed VPS, where the host looks after server and control panel patching, but the customer does all the admin i.e. create/destroy users/email etc

With managed, depending on the host and the package, you may not get root however.

But if you have a VPS you can hammer it with impunity and not get in trouble.
Think of shared hosting like a box of matches the account is a match with many other accounts in the box. Then a vps is more like a box of a box of matches. Vps is the actual box that contains more boxes of matches. Then dedicated will be the crate of the matches where it'll contain vps and shared accounts.

Shared hosting is very user friendly vps could be user friendly but it depends on the users skills. Vps hosting gives root access meaning you can do just about anything and everything you can delete all files on a vps as to if your in file manage for a shared host and you delete files in there it'll only be for your account as if you delete files on a vps you'll mess up the server and it'll interrupt other accounts.

Search Google there is a lot of information all over the Web on this topic. Hope you get to understand how vps and shared hosting works out. Any spefic questions feel free to post below and I will try my best to answer them or shine light your way
You've been given the answers of the actual difference between and shared and VPS account so I'll approach this question from another angle, the user (you).

If you're starting on a website you should generally consider a shared hosting account at first. The exception is if you specifically require something (a non-supported module for example) on the server that your host doesn't support. This is very rare though, for most shared would do fine (Think WordPress, Joomla, forum softwares, HTML sites and so on).

In a shared environment, each account is limited in terms of resources (CPU usage, ram etc). Once you're nearing these resource limitations you should consider a VPS server with enough of these resources to keep your site running smoothly (These can be upgraded on a VPS but not on a shared environment to prevent overloading the server). As your site grows (and thus your resource usage does) you can then keep upgrading your VPS (if your host allows it) and/or upgrade to a dedicated server.
If speaking with very simple and comparative language:
Shared hosting is like living in one flat with your neighbors. You cannot customize anything but you share maintenance cost and responsibility with them. If you're on low budget - it's the best solution.
VPS hosting is like living in your own appartment where you can customize everything to your own tastes. However, you still need to maintain your own area. You can do it yourself if you have enough knowledge, but sometimes it's better to find some kind of management solution for you VPS.
The theory is almost the same the main difference though is that VPS has dedicated resource per user but its actually a form of shared hosting too.
With VPS you receive all the power of a dedicated hosting with the ability to have own set of services and customizable disk space.
With shared hosting you have limited administrative access and can't customize software configurations while with VPS you can perform any actions from your control panel and don't need to contact technical support with every single request.
With VPS you have the control of your site/s. You have to pay a little more but is the perfect solution.
VPS is shared too. It is right, that you have more rights but its not true that you have more performance.

You can run a Server with a lot VPS, so you can run a shared hosting with a lot customers. But you can run a shared hosting with a few customers and have a best performance.
If speaking with very simple and comparative language:
Shared hosting is like living in one flat with your neighbors. You cannot customize anything but you share maintenance cost and responsibility with them. If you're on low budget - it's the best solution.
VPS hosting is like living in your own appartment where you can customize everything to your own tastes. However, you still need to maintain your own area. You can do it yourself if you have enough knowledge, but sometimes it's better to find some kind of management solution for you VPS.

Perfect answer. I don't think I could of said it better myself. :D
Shared hosting is useful for small and startup business, and it is economic but less security.and each account is limited in terms of resources. it may be affected by other websites hosted on the shared server.

VPS Plans to work with confidential secured data in your business.and SEO friendly. you can maintain your havy applications

VPS is like a dedicated you are in charge of the maintenance but you're the only one using it.

Shared hosting as its name indicates is shared by the users, maintenance is done by the provider.
Now that you know the difference can we know why you asked? Are you looking to get a provider of one? Did the explanations get you enough that you needed to know or would you like to test both practically to see the deference? Generally am asking what next?
VPS hosting contain 6gb 4gb 2gb vps hosting plain, this plain same like a owner

shared hosting mostly use for business class hosting plain, like a live in apartment where every one show a same location and able to share available resources with every one
its simple like that VPS hosting means your on server:
and share hosting like his name..

Hehehe But even shared hosting is on a server though shared hosting gives less control of the server than VPS. In reality VPS is a shared account that gives you a semi-dadicated environment to allow you more control over your account.

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