The Information Age - Questionnaire


New member
I am currently doing a report and I need some input from people from around the world so I was wondering if anyone would like to express their views here :)
Can you please answer the following?

#1 Do you prefer online banking to more traditional, over the counter methods of banking? Please explain your choice.

#2 Do you think it is better to play online games rather than board games? Please explain your choice.

#3 Do you prefer to shop online or go physically to a shop? Please explain your choice.

Could you please including where you live in your response?
Could you also complete the poll also.
Thank you :)
Location: Silicon Valley, California.

1: For my regular-maintenance transactions, I bank online. When I have a question, or want to ask about a new service that I'm thinking of adding, I prefer to talk with a person.

2: For 'board game' type games, I prefer sitting down with friends and playing whatever-it-is.

For role-playing games...same, actually. There's something nostalgic about gathering for a weekend, stocking up on sodas and minimunchies, plopping on a sofa or beanbags around a battlemap, and occasionally battling armies of goblin-M&Ms.

3: When I know exactly what I'm buying and I can't buy it anywhere locally, I will shop online. When I want to "kick the tires", or when I know that there's a small store in my neighborhood that sells whatever-it-is, I'll go to the store.

Basically: my computer is a tool. It's a highly useful tool. But it's just a tool. It's no substitute for being connected to the world around me via sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. I support small local businesses whenever feasible, unless the price is outrageous or they've done something to personally honk me off.
#1 Do you prefer online banking to more traditional, over the counter methods of banking? Please explain your choice.

I love online banking, and my local bank even has online chat so I can chat with an operator about questions rather than calling them up. Most deposits are done via direct deposit so really the only time I visit the bank is when I need to deposit a random check.

#2 Do you think it is better to play online games rather than board games? Please explain your choice.

My son and I do both. We play online games together, and board games as a family. Nothing can replace the real life time we spend together, but at the same time - it's pretty neat to be able to do some bowling quick before tuckin' him in bed ;)

#3 Do you prefer to shop online or go physically to a shop? Please explain your choice.

Just recently I was able to find a better deal on some new bed sheets online, even with shipping, than I could find in the store. But I shop locally for those last minute things, and of course - groceries.

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