The best Control Panel???

cPanel for Linux.
Plesk for Windows.

If you're feeling frisky, Kloxo and ISPConfig 3 are really nice Linux panels.
Great free options for unmanaged VPS use.
Cpanel is the Best as paid control panel.
and Kloxo is the best as free control panel. Though I use Cpanel and directadmin.
I'll have to agree with 95% of the people in this thread.

cPanel / WHM has been a long, time-proven control panel that everyone seems to love and use.

Of course there are others out there, but IMO, none of these compare to cPanel.

I've used Plesk, Direct Admin, and Kloxo - none of which seemed to offer the ease of use as cPanel.
I like using DirectAdmin better. Its way better in handling clients, especially if they're new to the hosting market.
It is good that Cpanel is the most popular. It seems to be the most user friendly at an elementary level. When a CP has popularity across the industry it makes it easier to perform migrations and other similar tasks. But, overall it isn't in my opinion what is most popular but what is most helpful to an individual user and their individual system setup. That is why so many different options are available. There really is no "one size fits all".
I really don't think that there is a best panel. Everyone will have a pro and con. Problem with a lot of them is they rig themselves into the system *cough* like AOL *cough* and then you have to do things their way or everything can break and mess up.
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We use CPanel/WHM and we feel its the best. I personally have tried directadmin a few years ago and it was also great.
I have tried Webmin and Virtualmin Pro and I think for a power user who still wants a GUI it's great. For hosting it was down to cPanel only as that's what people are familiar with and they have great support along with a product ecosystem built around it.

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