Steps which should be taken in your consideration.


New member
Hey all, this is my first quality host that I will share with you guys. I will tell you guys the proper steps that should be taken before opening a hosting company which I sadly didnt think of. Opening any company in the internet is a hard thing if you didnt think of the consequences that you will face later on.
I first thought that opening a hosting company is an easy thing and could be profitable but unfortunatly now a day, its really a hard thing, actually one of the hardest things on the web especially if u didnt take the proper steps that you should take. Anyway, I opened the company and kind of marketed through my friends and various of forums, I didnt think that marketing was that hard so I decided to NOT rely on it. And my domain name wasnt that name that could be memorized easily, so here are two things that made my experience a bad experience. Another thing was the support! I was at the time a college student and I dedicated most of my times to study( which is a good thing) and forogt about thehosting company. I would like check my email every day at night for 5 minutes and go to sleep. And at that time I had 4 clients. So one time the server went down, and unfortunatly i wasnt online so 3 of my clients were really mad, they didnt know what was going on( they werent webdesingers and their sites were personal websites for family and friends) So I explained to them that this happens usually( well it does sometime but it shouldnt occure most of the time ;) ) Anyways they cancelled their accounts. Now, Imagine, if i was online, things would be better right? I mean If i was online to explain to them that would be a better thing.. but they send me like 10000000000 emails and I was away so basically they were really MAD about it and they wished they would see me in front of them lol. So anyways the following things are steps that you REALLY NEED to do before even thinking about making a host company:
1- Spend a fair amount of money on advertising and marketing the site ( be sure that the place u advertise in has the correct audience that u are after :).
2- A good domain name which can be branded and memorized easily( in case someone reffer the site to friends or whatever.
3-Hire friends who can help you out at first in the support section of your site( be sure that they have a fair experience in hosting and familiar with theproblems that might occur.
4-Be sure that you have enough money to keep the site running for at least one year. ( trust me, you wont get that much of clients in one day. Everything takes time and not just time, I mean literaly TIME!!
5- Nothing realy :D just go ahead and launch it.

Oh by the way, did I mention that I spent more than I gained from the site? Well yes I did, simply because I didnt think the five steps i wrote above.

I agree with you. Opening a hosting company now a day is something hard which consists you to be full dedicated to the company and the clients.
Yeah thats true BBG, you need time for clients otherwise your plan wont work. But ofcourse dont spend much time or u will lose other things ;) especialy if u were a student. Just hire a good staff and thats it!
in my experience the hardest thing is marketing the damn thing as well as the operation's of the comapany...but if you do it write there is some good money too be earned in the hosting field :D
The hosting industry demands alot of resources just to keep your clients supported not to mention advertising. back in 2001 it was incredibily easy to setup a web host, now the industry justs seems so saturated at the moment, though things will get better, when users get more tech savy and demand more... then we'll see more and more hosts going out of business

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