Should Hosts include Forum as their support!

Using a forum is a good idea, I've had a few customers that said it's great that if they have any problems or anything they're able to chat with other customers and also able to leave feedback for others to read.
Forums are always nice, but you have to have it setup so that if a user posts on the forum for support, you are notified. Otherwise you end up checking the forum every hour to see if there's new posts. After awhile of there being no new posts, you stop checking as often, and THATS when the user posts and gets mad because they had to wait!.
If you are going to have a forum, just use it or a community type thing, and make it clear that if they use it for support, it might take longer.
I think forums are good to build a relationship with your customers, announce server upgrades, add hosting features and to just "shoot the breeze" so to speak, but forums shouldnt be used as a primary support tool.
NZN said:
I think forums are good to build a relationship with your customers, announce server upgrades, add hosting features and to just "shoot the breeze" so to speak, but forums shouldnt be used as a primary support tool.

Exactly ..also you need to takecare that the forum is has some really good and helpfull moderators and managed properly.