same service, many target markets


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So I've not been on the forums before for any legnth of time, but today I've decided to take a few steps away from my design business, and let the staff worry about that, and work more towords our hosting company. So I've been interested in opinions of other hosts and buyers alike since I moved my direction.

I've been in the hoesting business for some time now and I've noticed some of what I would have called my close competitors starting to change their service packages to catch a different markets attention. Where some hosts have packages at $70+/annum with a few gigs space, more bandwidth than you could shake a monkey at and silly but appealing offers such as 1 million databases etc.. others are content with realistic 30 mb packages with 3gb bandwith for $30/annum.

Plesk seemed to be the most stable control panel out there, now Cpanel's reputation is improving, and even I've switched from plesk to Cpanel. I do think it's a more competitive strain when offering Cpanel, since everyone and there dog is doing it now, but..

1. What do you think the happy medium is?

2. What do you think the 'ideal' package would be for Joe Bloggs with his power tool business with no more than 10 staff and 450 products in his product line?

3. What do you think is better in your own opinion, and why?, The affordable priced basic packages (which is all anybody ever usually needs) or the 'all singing, all dancing, over the top packages that are expensive, but look at all the stuff that comes with it..' type of packages?
Well.. CPanel is definitely the leader. Pleask comes only a distant second.
Yes, even the bigger companies are overselling. That could make your "30 mb packages with 3gb bandwith for $30/annum" package look like ..well I dont know .. but I am sure not many people will be interested.
I wont advice anyone to oversell, but 30mb is like nothing, at a time when you get 3GB email account for free. Diskspace is not at all costly, what makes you stop from offering atleast a 100mb for the basic package?
Cpanel has definitely become the most popular control panel. I find it pretty stable and user friendly when compared to Plesk, which can be a little more complex to setup.
Huge fan of DirectAdmin myself and my users prefer it over CPanel after using it a bit.

We went from 34 CPanel server licenses to 4 now days.../shrug CPanel in my opinion is definitely more easily managed than Plesk.
Cpanel is certainly the most requested control panel on the market. For many users Cpanel is a requirement when shopping for hosting. As for space and bandwidth, you will have to figure out what you can sell it for and make a reasonalble profit. I would not advise competing with the large companies by trying to out oversell them, but 30 mb space for $30 a year probably will not sell.
Only use cPanel. As it's the most popular, it'll be easier to transfer clients to your hosting business when they choose you!

Regarding packages, offering a low-medium-high choice is always good. I guess today, a low one is 250 or 500MB, medium a few gigs, and high 5GB plus. These figures are for shared hosting. Resellers are a different kettle of fish.

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