Reseller Request


New member
I need a reseller accout with the following things...
Plesk Reseller CP
5-10 Gigs Space
30-40 Gigs BW
Also if you have a billing system i could use that WOULD ROCK!!!
Also if you are selling domaisn if i could put a form to register a domain but they pay you that would also be great!!!
Please don't apply if you don't meat that.
10-15 Can Or Us
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5.5Gb Disk Space
50Gb Bandwidth
$16 per Month

WHM/cPanel with XController Skin + Fantastico Scripts

You can choose which server to go on
Pentium(R) 4 2.4Ghz
1024Mb DDR Ram
Server IP:
Datacenter: *New Jersey/US*

Pentium(R) 4 2.4Ghz
1536Mb DDR Ram
Server IP:
Datacenter: eXchange *San Francisco*

Offer ends 31st of Oct 2003

Contact us via support@*************** or
MSN: support@*************** (Live Chat!)

We provide excellent support, and fast response.

Joesph L.
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RE: Your Request

We can do the account itself with WHM/cPanel for about $35 per month with a 99.9% uptime. You will be on the following server specs:

DUAL - Intel Xeon 2.4 GHz (w/Hyperthreading)
DUAL - Western Digital 80 GB, 7200 RPM Hard Drives
1 GB DDR RAM (PC2100)
Redhat Linux 8.0
PHP, Perl, CGI, and MySQL
Shared SSL (single site available for $60/year installed)
SSI Support
99.9% Uptime

For more accont visit our website or email me.
FelixNetworks, although I cannot provide what you are looking for, I do believe your post is going to help others. It is easy to see a lot of the Hosters posting in thread do not understand the English language. That alone, makes it easy to cross them off anyones potential Hoster list.

Here's hoping, a Hoster who can understand English and provide what you want, will soon post.
That's being a little harsh Rob. It would be easy to interpret "i need plesk" as "please offer me Cpanel or anything else you like":box:
Not sure why you would say that, Blue? Notice just above the post by sitesnatcher;

i need plesk.
Seems pretty specific to me. Also, the 3rd time in this thread, Plesk was mentioned by FelixNetworks. ;)

On the flip-side though, I don't think many will post -- even if they can offer Plesk -- as the price to feature is pretty low. 40 GB of Data Transfer for $15.00 month may not be feasible, but like they say -- never hurts to ask.
RE: 'Cant Read English'

Well, many people wont go with a host that is pretty dang harsh to others, thats not very businesslike on your part ;) Also, maybe he will change his mind if he is offered a better deal with Plesk, so thank you for bashing me, thats very business-like. ;)
Sitesnatcher, if you were to follow the forum guidelines to begin with this would not be an issue.

1. Try to MATCH the request. Offers that will not stand close to request(s) will be deleted.

The thread starter request Plesk and also stated that the price should be $10-$15 per month, neither of which you offered.
What some may call 'harsh', others may call 'an observation', which any good business person pays attention to. Anyone reading this thread and 'observing' what was asked to what was posted, would probably see some big discrepancies. I was simply the first one to mention it. ;)
It is safe to say that the user specifically asked for Plesk, so you would expect hosts to offer what is asked of them. If they don't, they ignore their potential customer's needs and that is NOT the way to better business practice. NO need for "guessing" what the user wants since clear requirements are provided, thus I don't think the user will "change his mind" if he mentioned not once that he desires to work with Plesk.

sitesnatcher, you have to be more careful when responding to requests. As correctly noted by Blue, there are guidelines to follow. if members can't follow simple advertising instructions, they: (1) run a risk of getting into trouble at HD; (2) show they might be uncapable of clear and misleading-free day-to-day communications with their clients.

Let this be the last off-topic post in this thread. It was cleaned once already.

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