Provider has server problem and restores site from August 2012 w/o informing client


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Staff member
Here is part of this provider's response to their client's support ticket.

There was an issue on the server and we had to start the restore process with a full backup from August. We do have incremental backups that we are still restoring. I do not want to push an incremental backup to your site as it looks like you have already corrected it. If that is not the case please let me know and I will restore the additional data we have.

Their client (also my client at Infusing Markets) called me in a panic last night wondering how their site was now displaying August info. I've been updating their site for them for years, but do not host their site. I told her to enter a support ticket with her provider to ask how this happened.

Fortunately, I had a backup of her site and was able to restore it in a matter of minutes.

What are your thoughts on her provider not telling her that they experienced a problem with their server and did a full restore from 7 months ago?
What are your thoughts on her provider not telling her that they experienced a problem with their server and did a full restore from 7 months ago?
Simple tell her to find another provider. Any good reliable provider should be doing regular backups either daily, weekly or monthly (preferably daily) but having to restore from a backup taken 7 months ago is not a good practice, but their again a client should also be doing regular backups of their own sites.
That's not what I am reading. What I am reading is they have incremental backups since the Full in August but they stopped the restore process because they detected a change in site since last Incremental, until they hear from customer. In other words: the last incremental may have been 1 day ago, but modification to site occurred after application of Full Restore but before the restore of last incremental.
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That's not what I am reading. What I am reading is they have incremental backups since the Full in August but they stopped the restore process because they detected a change in site since last Incremental, until they hear from customer. In other words: the last incremental may have been 1 day ago, but modification to site occurred after application of Full Restore but before the restore of last incremental.

Thats because Steve restored her site within minutes. restoring an incremental backup would be the same as restoring a full backup as originally a full backup would be taken and then after that incremental backups are taken (only backs up any changes made since last backup), but how often are the incremental backups taken
Thats because Steve restored her site within minutes. restoring an incremental backup would be the same as restoring a full backup as originally a full backup would be taken and then after that incremental backups are taken (only backs up any changes made since last backup), but how often are the incremental backups taken

Incrementals back up since the last backup -- any backup. Its Differentials that back up since the last FULL backup.

In this case since the last Full was in August, the incrementals after the first one are a back up since the last incremental.

Steve did the restore within minutes of the custmer's notification, not within minutes of the first restore.

Here is the timeline according to the notice and customer reaction:

1. Server mishap
2. Restore from Aug Full Backup
3. Customer makes change to site
4. An Incremental (or Differential) restore detects a file version newer than the restored version
5. Incremental (or Differential) halts
6. Site stays on Aug version

Its possible that support also confused incremental with differential aand wrote the explanation wrong -- hence the parenthetical Differential. Incremental (Differential) on step 4 can be the last of a long string of incrementals (or a single Differential). Customer noticed Aug site anytime after step 2, probably not before 3.

I believe tech made an error in ticket and they are using Full and Differential rather than a Full and long string of Incrementals since Aug. But it theoretically doesn't change my conclusion
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I think the biggest issue here is the lack of information provided by the host during the incident.. A simple email to the client explaining the situation can do wonders.. And, it can make the difference on whether your clients will remain hosting with you or not, once the dust settles.. Every host will have its bad days where things go wrong, it's how the host handles these situations that separate the good ones, from the bad ones.. :thumbdown

No notification, whatsoever, and then suddenly restoring a 7 month old backup.. That would be more than enough for me to pack my bags ASAP, for sure. :shocked:
Yes it is vital to keep your clients in the loop regarding any issues that may effect them. we never keep any backup longer than 1 month and we think anything beyond that would be well outdated and not benefit anyone.
The host should have emailed to the client regarding the situation so that client gets warned up and can take necessary action. But directly restoring 7 months old backup, its simply not acceptable. Also for safer side, client should maintain his own backup at his local end
I think the biggest issue here is the lack of information provided by the host during the incident.. A simple email to the client explaining the situation can do wonders.. And, it can make the difference on whether your clients will remain hosting with you or not, once the dust settles.. Every host will have its bad days where things go wrong, it's how the host handles these situations that separate the good ones, from the bad ones.. :thumbdown

No notification, whatsoever, and then suddenly restoring a 7 month old backup.. That would be more than enough for me to pack my bags ASAP, for sure. :shocked:

Agree 100% with this. Whenever & whatever the issues; open honest and timely communication should be the priority - if you want to keep customers that is.

Like you HostLeet - I'd be off like a shot if this happened to me.