Paypal VS Moneybookers

Paypal by far, it is very popular as the other guy said. I also have been using it for a while, so I personally like it over MoneyBookers and so do others. Most business's also support it.
Of course Paypal should be priority but you may wish to have one more payment option for your clients those do not use paypal.
My Opinion

Paypal is very good, as they watch for fraud, & also support you with all disputed charges. :thankyou:
Dougy said:
Is there any reason why you wouldn't use Moneybookers?

We use it, however if I am not mistake that Moneybookers have only average popularity in UK.... in other countries this payment system isn't popular at all.
I'm sure Google Checkout will give Paypal a run for their money when it becomes more globally used. Paypal still has a high level of fraud and it's something the need and have yet improved on.
My vote has been registered and I am on the majority side. More than 80 percent has said that paypal is the best.
I dont offer any other payment options other than paypal, as all my clients are available in local. I never say paypal is the best in security. It has a very high level of threats, but it is still used because of its global recognition.
Paypal doesnt support all the coutries, atleast till a few months back. Also withdrawing money is a pain in many countries. But they are increasing the coverage.
I have had nothing but good luck with Paypal. I have noticed over the last year or so that fraudulent purchases from those hacking Paypal accounts has dropped considerably. I cannot remember the last time we had such an issue.

It seems Paypal has beefed up their security over the last couple years and also improved the dispute system.

I have looked at Moneybookers and I have to say I was not too impressed with their system. I will stay with Paypal and a couple others until something like Google Checkout make a strong run in the market.